[Solved] Syntax for virtual functions

While making a function virtual in c++ where do I have to write virtual keyword? In the function declaration, before the function name, and after any attribute specifiers, along with the other specifiers (including the type specifier for the function’s return type). The general syntax for a declaration is simple-declaration: decl-specifier-seq<opt> init-declarator-list<opt> ; attribute-specifier-seq decl-specifier-seq<opt> … Read more

[Solved] Password input program [closed]

You have a logic error in your compare() method. When you use one = you are doing an assignment, not a comparison: if (passCompare = true) // assigns true to passCompare and always evaluates true return true; else return false; More fundamentally, don’t reinvent the wheel. The String class already has a perfectly good way … Read more

[Solved] Nested knockout template binding

I think you can do this like that: function Question(id, name) { this.id = id; this.name = name; this.answers = ko.observableArray(); } function Answer(id, name) { this.id = id; this.name = name; } function ViewModel() { this.questions = ko.observableArray(); var self = this; //dummy data self.init = function () { var q1 = new Question(1, … Read more

[Solved] Issues with ajax contact form inside wordpress theme [closed]

Nothing Happens when you click submit because in your js you are calling this $(“.comment_form, .contact_form”).submit(function(event) and you have used event.preventDefault(); , therefore the form does not show default behavior. Check the console there is an error in you js. It says TypeError: $(…).block is not a function. you need to fix these errors first. … Read more

[Solved] List of stored procedures inside a database

The following query will list all user defined stored procs (including their parameters and parameter types) in your default database: SELECT sp.name, p.name AS Parameter, t.name AS [Type] FROM sys.procedures sp LEFT JOIN sys.parameters p ON sp.object_id = p.object_id LEFT JOIN sys.types t ON p.system_type_id = t.system_type_id WHERE is_ms_shipped = 0 ORDER BY sp.name Put … Read more

[Solved] A Parse error with the PHP mysql Class function of insert method

This line of code isn’t closed: $this->query(“INSERT INTO testing_Rand (number1, // etc and you are missing a ; after this line: $newRand.=implode(‘,’, $varNum) If I get it, you meant to write this instead: public function insert_SQL($varNum ) { $this->query(“INSERT INTO testing_Rand (number1, number2, number3, number4, number5, number6, number7, number8, number9, number10) VALUES (“.implode(‘,’, $varNum).”)”); } … Read more

[Solved] Named pipes in service causes high CPU usage

I can replicate your results (except 13% on my 8-core CPU). I had to download and build the AsyncPipes library from the end of this article. The problem is that the code in NamedPipeStreamClient is throwing a System.TimeoutException once per second. In a manner of bad design, the constructor of NamedPipeStreamClient is calling a method … Read more

[Solved] javascript running befor jquery in chrome extension [closed]

Good news everyone, you can call suggest asynchronously! if (/^https?:\/\/ieeexplore\.ieee\.org.*/.test(downloadItem.referrer)) { /* … */ $.get(u, function(data) { //parse webpage here //set the value of name here suggest({filename: result}); // Called asynchronously }); return true; // Indicate that we will call suggest() later } The key point here: chrome.downloads.onDeterminingFilename handler will exit before your $.get callback … Read more

[Solved] PHP: How to create a linear function, calculating a credit card fee? [closed]

I’ve got what you want, so think in this way: you have original price you want to calculate final transferAmount that: transferAmount = originalPrice + fee but fee here depends on transferAmount fee = transferAmount * 0.029 + 2.25 now solve it: transferAmount = originalPrice + transferAmount * 0.029 + 2.25 transferAmount*(1-0.029) = originalPrice + … Read more

[Solved] How to save text file to struct with string in C++

Serialization/Deserialization of strings is tricky. As binary data the convention is to output the length of the string first, then the string data. https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/serialization#serialize-binary-format String data is tricky because you have to unambiguously know when the string’s body stops. You can’t unambiguously terminate all strings with a ‘\0’ if some string might contain that character; … Read more

[Solved] Correct way to clear floating elements inside

Floats are not contained by default. If the images are taller than the <li>, they will push the content of the following <li> to the right (float left of). Some alternatives to clearfix can be to force a new block formatting context. The LIs will stretch to their content, so a popular method is: li … Read more

[Solved] How to make different video answers in list of questions?

Set every video to display:none, then use jQuery to display the needed item once some user action is taken. In my example I used .click() Basic example: $(“.options>li”).click(function() { $(“.view”).css(‘display’, ‘none’) }); $(“li.aaa”).click(function() { $(“.view.aaa”).css(‘display’, ‘block’) }); $(“li.bbb”).click(function() { $(“.view.bbb”).css(‘display’, ‘block’) }); $(“li.ccc”).click(function() { $(“.view.ccc”).css(‘display’, ‘block’) }); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; … Read more

[Solved] Deep Copy of string using new Operator over loading [closed]

Your main function should be like the following, int main() { char *str = “hello world”; char *shallowCopy = str; char *deepcopy = new char[(strlen(str) + 1)]; while (*str != ‘\0’) { *deepcopy = *str; deepcopy++; str++; } *deepcopy = ‘\0’; cout << “\n\n shallow string is :-” << shallowCopy << endl; cout << “\n\n … Read more