[Solved] Running a Search Array

First you might change your if condition because you already test one time your searchArray == arr[i] if (searchArray == arr[i]) { cout << “Found value ” << searchArray << ” at index ” << i << “, taking ” << counter << ” checks !”; if (counter == 1) { cout << “We ran … Read more

[Solved] Check if element in for each loop is empty

Based on the fact that your images is a available ArrayList<>, you should do like this: if(images.size() > 0){ for (Element src : images){ if (src != null) { System.out.println(“Source ” + src.attr(“abs:src”)); } } } else { System.out.println(“There are no elements in ArrayList<> images”); } First you check if there are elements in the … Read more

[Solved] How to put an input in a function

You are never defining the function you’re trying to call. You’re printing from the function but never returning a value, thus your variable “a” will never get a value. Take a look at this, hopefully you’ll see where you went wrong: def odd(x): if int(x) % 2 == 0: return(“this number is even”) else: return(“this … Read more

[Solved] Pass variable as options to curl in shell script linux [duplicate]

You need to use an array, not a regular variable. curl_std_opts=( -k –header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ –header ‘Accept: application/json’) curl “${curl_std_opts[@]}” -X POST –data “{\”actual\”: $BAL}” “$websiteurl” For safety, you should use a tool like jq to generate your JSON rather than relying on parameter interpolation to generate valid JSON. curl “${curl_std_opts[@]}” -X POST –data “(jq … Read more

[Solved] Can you help me to explain this asm code? [closed]

(My assembly is a bit rusty, anyone please correct me if I’m wrong): esp is the current stack-pointer, which is where locals and parameters typically live. esp+8 would access an item that is 8 bytes offset from the current stack-frame address. The [x] denotes a dereferencing, so the local is a pointer type. This value … Read more

[Solved] c# Assert.AreEqual not workng

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms243458.aspx The third parameter in Assert.AreEqual(double, double, double) specifies the degree of accuracy you want for equality. Your code asks “is 2 within 2 of 1” which it certainly is. 5 solved c# Assert.AreEqual not workng

[Solved] Yii2 GridView filter date by year

Maybe you are looking for something like this: add in to your model public static function getYearsList() { $years = (new Query())->select(‘DISTINCT YEAR(`birthday`) as years’)->from(‘{{%yourTable}}’)->column(); return array_combine($years, $years); } and then in gridview [ ‘attribute’ => ‘birthday’, ‘filter’ => YourModel::getYearsList(), ] And then in your search model add andFilterWhere() to compare birthday with year. It … Read more

[Solved] Algorithms for bucket sort

This is basically a link only answer but it gives you the information you need to formulate a good question. Bucket Sort Wikipedia’s step 1, where you “Set up an array of initially empty buckets”, will need to include buckets for negative numbers. Counting Sort “Compared to counting sort, bucket sort requires linked lists, dynamic … Read more