[Solved] How have they made new Foxy Bingo site

The site don’t include multiple pages but use history api pushstate to change url with the name of the file like (using jQuery code): var $win = $(window); $(‘a#bar’).click(function() { anim_jump($(‘#bar’)); history.pushState(null, “page 2”, “bar.html”); }); window.onpopstate = function(event) { var file = document.location.replace(/.*\//, ”); $(‘html, body’).prop(‘scrollTop’, $(‘#’ + file.replace(/.html$/)).offset().top); }; function anim_jump(item) { $(‘html, … Read more

[Solved] Built in function to compare strings in C++?

You could use std::string::compare() which provides the same functionality as strcmp(). std::string name1 = “John”; std::string name2 = “Micheal”; int result = name1.compare(name2); Would roughly be the same as: const char* name1 = “John”; const char* name2 = “Micheal”; int result = std::strcmp(name1, name2); solved Built in function to compare strings in C++?

[Solved] Folded banner using css and border and fade [closed]

Can be done with psuedo-elements. jsFiddle Demo div::before { content: “”; position: absolute; height: 0; width: 0; right: 0; bottom: -12px; border-bottom: 10px solid transparent; border-left: 10px solid #AA0000; } solved Folded banner using css and border and fade [closed]

[Solved] select 40 words from a string

Assuming words would be separated by spaces. $words40=explode(” “, $string,41); unset($words40[40]); // Discard the last element containing the remaining string Of course this will fail on punctuation marks, but since you did not mention whether your string contains something to do with human readable languages or any other value, there is no reason to assume … Read more

[Solved] How numbers are stored? [closed]

You have got the math totally wrong. Here’s how it really is since each bit can only take on either of two states only(1 and 0) , n bits as a whole can represents 2^n different quantities not numbers. When dealing with integers a standard short integer size of 2 bytes can represent 2^n – … Read more

[Solved] Split text file every 120,000 Lines?

Just another way using Enumerable.GroupBy and “integer division groups”: int batchSize = 120000; var fileGroups = File.ReadLines(path) .Select((line, index) => new { line, index }) .GroupBy(x => x.index / batchSize) .Select((group, index) => new { Path = Path.Combine(dir, string.Format(“FileName_{0}.txt”, index + 1)), Lines = group.Select(x => x.line) }); foreach (var file in fileGroups) File.WriteAllLines(file.Path, file.Lines); … Read more

[Solved] Array Default Constructor [closed]

You can do this: public class IntArrayDemo { private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 10; private int [] values; public IntArrayDemo() { this(DEFAULT_SIZE); } public IntArrayDemo(int size) { if (size < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(“size cannot be negative”); this.values = new int[size]; } } solved Array Default Constructor [closed]

[Solved] Using the camera of the laptop with swing in java [closed]

Using Webcam Capture project. Example from author for the API usage: Webcam buildin = Webcam.getWebcams().get(0); // build-in laptop camera Webcam usb = Webcam.getWebcams().get(1); // usb camera BufferedImage image1 = buildin.getImage(); BufferedImage image2 = usb.getImage(); // do with image1 and image2 whatever you want 11 solved Using the camera of the laptop with swing in java … Read more

[Solved] C++ String subcript out of range issue

You need to initialise your variables correctly: int firstLength = str1.length(); int secondLength = str2.length(); You’re also determining that one string is bigger than another, then proceeding to access elements in the shorter string according to the length of the longer one, which is giving you the subscript out of range error. You need to … Read more

[Solved] a constructor having 2 parameters

As you have created an instance of the class Bachcha in your main method, you can use that instance to access the methods. String n = System.console().readLine(“enter name”); String g = System.console().readLine(“enter gender”); Bachcha b = new Bachcha(n, g); b.getName(); b.getGender(); solved a constructor having 2 parameters