[Solved] How to call take picture method in IOS [closed]

You’ll want to take a look at the UIImagePickerController class which is what lets you access the camera functions of your iOS device. Specifically, you’ll want to use the source type UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera (first checking if the device has a camera via isSourceTypeAvailable:), with media type kUTTypeImage, present the camera controller via presentViewController, and you can … Read more

[Solved] How to measure user distance from wall

In the comments, you shared a link to a video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=PBpRZWmPyKo. That app is not doing anything particularly sophisticated with the camera, but rather appears to be calculate distances using basic trigonometry, and it accomplishes this by constraining the business problem in several critical ways: First, the app requires the user to specify the height … Read more

[Solved] java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo in android camera app

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at android.app.Activity.findViewById(Activity.java:1794) at firstapp.boysjoys.com.waste.MainActivity.<init>(MainActivity.java:102) You’re calling findViewById() too early, in activity <init> phase that includes e.g. member variable initialization. You can only call activity methods like findViewById() in onCreate() or later in the activity lifecycle. Move the findViewById() call to onCreate() to get rid of the NPE. Put it after setContentView() so … Read more

[Solved] Python Opencv2 Camera with Start Flashlight, Stop Flashlight, Click Picture, Start Video Recording, Stop Video Recording buttons

You describe with “click picture, start recording, stop recording” default imaging behavior of cameras. Those buttons work on most cams using opencv (/pyqt) but beyond is SDK manufacturer specific. If you can’t figure it out with your camera post product name, type, version into your question. For example… FLIR has a vast amount of SDK … Read more

[Solved] Java Programming real objects [closed]

Yes you can. Unfortunately Java is not well suited for this task (for various reasons). I would suggest you buy an arduino set and learn what it can do regarding controlling devices and receiving input from sensors, so you know more about what is possible. 2 solved Java Programming real objects [closed]

[Solved] Using the camera of the laptop with swing in java [closed]

Using Webcam Capture project. Example from author for the API usage: Webcam buildin = Webcam.getWebcams().get(0); // build-in laptop camera Webcam usb = Webcam.getWebcams().get(1); // usb camera BufferedImage image1 = buildin.getImage(); BufferedImage image2 = usb.getImage(); // do with image1 and image2 whatever you want 11 solved Using the camera of the laptop with swing in java … Read more