[Solved] While (true) loop lagg [closed]

while(true) is an infinite loop, the only way of getting out of it is using break. Or changing while(true) to some condition that alternatively ends. In this code, the while(true) part makes no real sense to me, you should probably add something else to that part as well, e.g. some connection stuff etc. 6 solved … Read more

[Solved] Loop repeats indefinitely after break (c++)

It might be because you entered a wrong data type into ‘cin’. This makes cin fail and it repeats the last acceptable value in the command prompt. Nothing to do with the loop. If you try it outside of the loop you’ll see the same thing happen. It’s good practice to do the following: while … Read more

[Solved] can you iterate over a vector within a while statement?

you can write a function to do this (here I use a lambda, you can also use normal function) auto condition=[&]{ for(auto& r:r_use) for(int i=0;i<R;++i) if(r[i]<=r_max[i]) return false; return true; }; while(condition())run_function(r_use); or you can (better not) use algorithm library like this (just implement your first snip) while(std::all_of(r_use.begin(),r_use.end(),[&r_max](auto& rs){ return std::all_of(rs.begin(),rs.end(),[&,start=rs.data()](auto& d){ return d>r_max[&d-start];});}) )run_function(r_use); … Read more

[Solved] How to break out of a while loop in C#. Break not working [closed]

When you enter a number different than 2 you actually read another line which you do not process: if (answer != 2) { Console.WriteLine(“Wrong answer. Press enter to get your next sum”); Console.ReadLine(); } Your confusion could be because of this line. Change it to: if (answer != 2) { Console.WriteLine(“Wrong answer. Press enter to … Read more

[Solved] where to initiate object in java

We can’t reliably answer this without knowing what temp.printInfo() and makeUseOf() are doing. It is easy to implement them to behave the way you describe though. When you instantiate temp outside the loop, you will be using the same object throughout all iterations of the loop. Thus it is possible for it to gather data … Read more

[Solved] I’m not getting the else output

input returns a string, and 0 != “0” Either parse your strings immediately parx = int(input(“Write your parX: “)) pary = int(input(“Write your parY: “)) Or check against strings while pary != “0” and parx != “0”: Note too that you should be using some error checking. If the user enters a non-number, your program … Read more

[Solved] Why does while loop create an error in my code?

after applying the proposed corrections to the code, and applying the axiom: only one statement per line and (at most) one variable declaration per statement. the following proposed code performs the desired functionality results: cleanly compiles properly checks for and handles errors the call to printf() format string ends with ‘\n’ so the data is … Read more

[Solved] Having Trouble in a Java Assignment Finding the Maximum Value from a Loop [closed]

if(major.equals(“CIS”)) CIS_total=gpa+gpa; if(major.equals(“Math”)) Math_total=gpa+gpa; should be if(major.equals(“CIS”)) CIS_total += gpa; if(major.equals(“Math”)) Math_total += gpa; And don’t calculate the average in the loop. Do it after the loop. 3 solved Having Trouble in a Java Assignment Finding the Maximum Value from a Loop [closed]

[Solved] My code to write a .txt file from my @data isn’t working :(. What am I doing wrong? I am using a while loop

Your errors come from : $fh=$headers; print “$fh\n”; and $fh=join(‘\t’,@riteline); print “$fh\n”; You’ d write: print $fh $headers,”\n”; and print $fh join(“\t”,@riteline),”\n”; for the last one I think you want: print $fh @riteline,”\n”; Also, don’t use @DAY[$ii] but $DAY[$ii] 4 solved My code to write a .txt file from my @data isn’t working :(. What … Read more

[Solved] python while loop iteration [closed]

Your while loop is never executing, because while absolute_avg > calculated_std: … is never satisfied. In fact absolute_avg == calculated_std. There seems to be no reason you cannot instantiate absolute_avg and calculated_std to be values such that they will succeed on the first pass of the while loop. Say: calculated_std = 0.0 absolute_avg = 1.0 … Read more