[Solved] While loop runs when false

You might want to check your while condition! Since the conditions are in the negation, you would use AND ( && ) instead of OR (||) to combine them. EDIT: And as pointed out, you ought to be comparing Die1 and Die2 to numbers. If you’d like to keep the characters as is, you could … Read more

[Solved] There is no error but nothing is printed, but if I print inside the while loop then it is printed multiple times. How do I fix this? [closed]

There is no error but nothing is printed, but if I print inside the while loop then it is printed multiple times. How do I fix this? [closed] solved There is no error but nothing is printed, but if I print inside the while loop then it is printed multiple times. How do I fix … Read more

[Solved] How does the while loop know when to stop?

The while loop stops when the function exits, and the function exits when the return statement is executed. The return statement is executed when s.find() returns -1, which means that t was no found in s when searching from last_pos + 1 onwards. solved How does the while loop know when to stop?

[Solved] Our professor asked us to make a C program that will display the cube of a number using a while loop [closed]

I would assume you’d want to compute the cube of a number by using a loop that iterates 3 times. int n, cube, i; printf(“Enter an integer: “); scanf(“%d”,&n); cube = 1; i = 0; while (i < 3) { cube = cube * n; i++; } printf(“%d\n”, cube); 2 solved Our professor asked us … Read more

[Solved] Formula nested in loop won’t execute properly

First of all, make n and p integers. Secondly n starts at 3 doesn’t it? Third the Pi series is 4.0 (- fraction + fraction)… Finally you can printf using %.*lf to increase/limit the precision of the output. if ( 2 == route ) { printf(“piseries calculator\n”); double pi=4.0; int n,p; printf(“define precision”); scanf(“%d”,&p); for(n=3;n<p;n+=2) … Read more