[Solved] Retrieve json Data and bind it to listview [duplicate]

This may help you.. Your Actmain class Actmain.java public class Actmain extends Activity { // url to make request private static String url = “http://api.androidhive.info/contacts/”; // JSON Node names private static final String TAG_CONTACTS = “contacts”; private static final String TAG_ID = “id”; private static final String TAG_NAME = “name”; private static final String TAG_EMAIL … Read more

[Solved] Getting blank array from web service

Use urlencode() This is working now : <?php $post_name=”BSN Syntha-6 Isolate”; $base = “” . urlencode($post_name); $str = file_get_contents($base); echo ‘<pre>’; print_r(json_decode($str)); ?> 2 solved Getting blank array from web service

[Solved] Is There a Web Service for Retrieving All University Names Worldwide [closed]

You could use dbpedia. Example query to get 50 universities: SELECT ?university WHERE { ?university rdf:type <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/University> } LIMIT 50 You could use it at dbpedia sparql. You could also search for generic educational institution, college, etc. Or you could simply use wikipedia universities list EDIT: List of 9000 universities, included country and web. Data … Read more

[Solved] While decoding json from webservice, it shows an error: Could not cast value of type ‘__NSArrayM’ (0x10b84bdb0) to ‘NSDictionary’ (0x10b84c288)

Try this var desriptionArray = [String]() for dataValues in responseObject[“result”] as! [[String: AnyObject]] { let name = dataValues [“description”] as! String desriptionArray .append(name) } OR for (index , element) in (responseObject[“result”] as! [Any]).enumerated() { let nameDict = element as! [String : AnyObject] let strDecription = nameDict[“description”] as! String desriptionArray .insert(strDecription, at: index) } solved While … Read more

[Solved] HTTP POST call from Android [duplicate]

The message says: NetworkOnMainThreadException. In Android applications, one may not execute network code on the Main thread. This means you have to create a separate thread for your code. This can by done via an implementation of the AsyncTaskclass. Look at the documentation solved HTTP POST call from Android [duplicate]

[Solved] Access WebMail(i.e:”Mail.com”) Emails Over Basic HTML Version WebSite From Basic/TB WebBrowser [closed]

Most of the WebMail service providers with free-service support basic/mobile web-browser and ofcourse supports general/full web-browser. These type of service provider’s web-mail-servers can detect user’s (client-side) web-browser software, by detecting the User-Agent string & can switch & transfer to that mode of specific web-pages. TB = THUNDERBIRD . TB is an EMAIL CLIENT type of … Read more

[Solved] How to fetch data from a website in android app after entering his personal details during registration?

You can write a RESTful web service on your server which takes the arguments like (age,income,etc) and store these arguments to a new variable then use those variable when connecting the government’s website. After that you can use your government’s APIs if there are any, if not: you can write a web scraper for that … Read more

[Solved] Connect a Flask webservice from a device which is not on the same network

Let A be the server you connecting to. Let B be the server you are connecting from, which, from what I gather, is sometimes localhost. Why can’t B connect to A? 1. Security Settings The following is EC2-specific: You have to open up connections to specific IPs. Check your instance’s security settings. If you added … Read more