[Solved] VB.net Update Label Each Second

Add a Timer to your project. Set the Interval property to 1000. Then… Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Label1.Text=”Your code End Sub 5 solved VB.net Update Label Each Second

[Solved] IIF Syntax Error

To do that in C# , here’s the syntax string status = Convert.ToInt32(inputBalance.Text) > 0 ? “UNSETTLED” : “SETTLED”; VB.NET Syntax: IIf(someBool, “true”, “false”) C# Syntax: someBool ? “true” : “false”; solved IIF Syntax Error

[Solved] Create UIntPtr from hex literal

To create a UIntPtr from a UInteger, use its constructor: NativeMethods.SetProcessWorkingSetSize( itemProcess.Handle, New UIntPtr(&HFFFFFFFFUI), New UIntPtr(&HFFFFFFFFUI)) solved Create UIntPtr from hex literal

[Solved] how can i get string between two commas? [closed]

To take your question literally, you could do write a method to split the string by comma and just take the element at the 5th index: string ParseData(string data) { return data.Split(‘,’)[5]; } So you’ll be able to do something like: string data = “43965.96000,16933.986,404689.986,5814892.171,77.464,52.47585589,13.59670032,77.464,0.675,-0.223”; string result = ParseData(data); // Result = “52.47585589” solved how … Read more

[Solved] How to correctly initialize the Windows desktop (explorer.exe) of Windows 8

This is from memory, but try this: myProcess = New Process() myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = “C:\Windows\explorer.exe” myProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True myProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Application.StartupPath myProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True myProcess.Start() I have to say, I think this is probably something the author should know about/deal with. Get your $3 worth in support 😉 4 solved How to correctly initialize the Windows … Read more

[Solved] string does not contain a definition for valueOf

is what you are expecting is to convert vb to c#? void Main() { string s =”xhhxzx”; int i5 = 3; string res = e(s, i5); Console.WriteLine(res); } public static String e(String str, int i5) { return (str.Length / i5).ToString(); } you can do in one line public static String e(String str, int i5) => … Read more

[Solved] goto keyword in matlab [closed]

I will write just the skeleton of the code, the rest of the statements must be completed by you. I will use ii and jj instead of i and j because these have special meaning in MATLAB (complex square root of -1). for ii = 1:101 % statements end; jj = 6; while true for … Read more

[Solved] Convert VB.NET code to PHP

There is already a inbuilt function to calculate the MD5 Hash of file in PHP. md5_file($filename) Example #1 Usage example of md5_file() <?php $file=”php-5.3.0alpha2-Win32-VC9-x64.zip”; echo ‘MD5 file hash of ‘ . $file . ‘: ‘ . md5_file($file); ?> or if you need to find the MD5 Has for a string then http://php.net/manual/en/function.md5.php <?php $str=”apple”; echo … Read more

[Solved] Port reading application in .Net which is better Windows service or Windows application

Yes, a windows service would be fine. I’d like to use a little library called TopShelve to make a service / console app. Then I’d add NancyFx to expose the service and it’s data (or read it from a shared database). You also asked if there was a ‘better’ way. You might argue that polling … Read more

[Solved] Need convert this code to vb

Public Class BasePage Inherits Page Protected Overrides Sub InitializeCulture() If Session(“Lang”) IsNot Nothing Then Dim selectlang As String = Session(“Lang”).ToString() Culture = selectlang UICulture = selectlang End If MyBase.InitializeCulture() End Sub End Class solved Need convert this code to vb

[Solved] How do I invoke an Action on a new thread?

“what is the syntax to start a new thread using a parameterless Action” Here are two examples: Example 1: Private Sub MyAction() [… Code goes here] End Sub Public Sub Test() Dim t As New Thread(AddressOf Me.MyAction) t.Start() End Sub Example 2: Dim t As New Thread(Sub() [… Code goes here]) t.Start() 2 solved How … Read more