[Solved] declaring and assigning variable [closed]

Instead of writing the following which id not valid Java, Paraula tipo1; tipo1 = { Paraula.lletres[0] = ‘t’; Paraula.lletres[1]=’1′; Paraula.llargaria = 2; perhaps you intended to write Paraula tipo1 = new Paraula(); tipo1.lletres[0] = ‘t’; tipo1.lletres[1]=’1′; tipo1.llargaria = 2; However a much cleaner way to do this is to pass a String to the constructor … Read more

[Solved] Using R, how to reference variable variables (or variables variable) a la PHP

Consider using get() to obtain environment variables from string values. Additionally, consider the nested lapply() between dataframe and model lists for more organized returned object. Nested for loops would require appending each iteration into growing list unless you just need to output. Below examples use linear models, lm(): model1 <- y ~ x1 model2 <- … Read more