[Solved] HTML5 programming questions [closed]

why to choose PHP/ASP.NET over client side programming

Server side rendering vs. client side rendering. Server side: great for SEO + static content. Client side: great for dynamic interactive apps. The lines are blurry however.

Can I call typescript code from javascript code?

Yes. TypeScript is compiled to JavaScript and can be used from JavaScript.

Can I use TypeScript with angular?

Yes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-6vT7xgE4Y&hd=1

I Angular is the next think in client side programming?

SPA frameworks are in general. Angular is the most popular SPA framework at the moment. Others are React, KnockoutJS, Durandal, BackboneJS, EmberJS. Also these can be mixed and matched (i.e. used alongside each other)


solved HTML5 programming questions [closed]