[Solved] Append int value to string

You can use strconv from the strconv package package main import ( “fmt” “strconv” ) func main() { a := 4 b := 3 c := “1” fmt.Println(c + strconv.Itoa(a) + strconv.Itoa(b)) } Or you can use Sprintf from the fmt package: package main import ( “fmt” ) func main() { a := 4 b … Read more

[Solved] Convert.ToInt32(“example”) Collisions? [closed]

No, Convert.ToInt32(text) will just try to parse your text to an int, like: Convert.ToInt32(“032”) will return 32 as int but Convert.ToInt32(“Brian”) will throw an exception. I assume that you want to have some kind of hashing, when you say “different words to the same int”. Try GetHashCode(). It will return the same value if you … Read more

[Solved] Convert string into float in C++ with full Significant figures [Fixed working in Dev C++]

If you want to control the precision then include #include <iomanip> and use std::cout << std::setprecision(17); to set the number of digits you want. Also float has 6 significant bits precision whereas double has 12. So whenever your string has more than 6 digits in decimal there is a possibility of loosing the precision. 7 … Read more

[Solved] List to List

If I understand right you just want to determine which list has to be filled up depending on the datetable result set. So, when calling the function why don’t add (help)-parameter which determines where it was called from and depending on this variable the function will know what list to use. solved List to List

[Solved] How can we convert a string to a user defined object in java [closed]

You want to transfer a String into a Treecreat? You should give Treecreat a constructor like this. public Treecreat(String yourString){ this.myString = yourString; } So the String is in Treecreat and you can work with it in your method, with call the method in this way: add(new Treecreat(data). solved How can we convert a string … Read more