[Solved] How can I check time in C++?

You have to use C time function for getting computer clock’s time. The basic idea is following: Ask the user for “his” time In the same time save the computer’s current time When is time to showing updated current time: Check computer current time Calculate the users’s current time using previous stored times as a … Read more

[Solved] Display which day it is? sunday or monday “php coding”? [closed]

Easy one: $today = date(‘l’); // returns Sunday When you want it to do like your image, you should get your date from the dropdown. Then do the following: $date=”2017-7-27 10:51:10″; // example date var_dump(date(‘l’, strtotime($date))); // returns Sunday Goodluck! 2 solved Display which day it is? sunday or monday “php coding”? [closed]

[Solved] How to convert unformatted time to a python time object

It seems parsedatetime module that should parse human-readable date/time text works in this case: #!/usr/bin/env python from datetime import datetime import parsedatetime as pdt # $ pip install parsedatetime cal = pdt.Calendar() print(datetime.now()) for time_str in [“8 seconds ago”, “5 minutes ago”, “11 hours ago”, “11:34 AM yesterday”]: dt, flags = cal.parseDT(time_str) assert flags print(dt) … Read more

[Solved] Call function when server time is reached

i have tried my best. Here my Script <script type=”text/javascript”> var now = new Date(); var calMillisecs = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), 17, 57, 0, 0) – now; if (calMillisecs < 0) { calMillisecs += 86400000; } setTimeout(function(){alert(“Uhrzeit Erreicht !”)}, calMillisecs); </script> Works great. But any Ideas how i can use an official NTP Server … Read more

[Solved] Nearest next even hour

To accomplish your goal, you could add the missing time to your DateTime object: $dt = new DateTime(‘2014-11-08 22:05:00’); $sec = $dt->format(‘G’) * 3600 + $dt->format(‘i’) * 60 + $dt->format(‘s’); $sec %= 7200; $dt->modify(“-$sec second”)->modify(‘+2 hour’); echo $dt->format(‘c’); demo Be careful about DST. solved Nearest next even hour

[Solved] SimpleDateFormat and not allowing it to go above 12 hours [closed]

You are experiencing SimpleDateFormat behaving as designed. It’s a behaviour that comes as a negative surprise to most. There are two solutions: the recommended one and the discouraged one. Recommended solution: LocalTime DateTimeFormatter timeFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(“hh:mm a”, Locale.ROOT); try { LocalTime lt = LocalTime.parse(startTime, timeFormat); startTime = lt.format(timeFormat); System.out.println(startTime); } catch (DateTimeParseException e) { System.out.println(“Not … Read more

[Solved] How to get time from user with respect to timezone

String userTimeZone = “Asia/Samarkand”; String userDate = “2018-07-05”; ZoneId zone = ZoneId.of(userTimeZone); Instant dbInstant = LocalDate.parse(userDate) .atStartOfDay(zone) .toInstant(); System.out.println(dbInstant); This prints what you had expected: 2018-07-04T19:00:00Z I don’t know MongoDB’s JDBC driver, but I assume it would be happy to accept an Instant and store it in UTC in the database. GMT+05:00 is not really … Read more

[Solved] Getting time of special timezone in UNIX-time format. Android [duplicate]

I just needed adding an offset of my timezone. Function below was exactly what i wanted! public static long getCurrentTimeInUnixFormat(){ return (System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeZone.getTimeZone(“GMT+3”).getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis())) / 1000; } 1 solved Getting time of special timezone in UNIX-time format. Android [duplicate]