[Solved] In JavaScript, how do I replace multiple values in a string with replace() function without using a regular expression? [duplicate]

In JavaScript, how do I replace multiple values in a string with replace() function without using a regular expression? [duplicate] solved In JavaScript, how do I replace multiple values in a string with replace() function without using a regular expression? [duplicate]

[Solved] Comparing two Sub-Strings of two Strings between two set positions (integer values) in C [closed]

You can use the strncmp function to compare two strings up to a maximum number of characters. To start a comparison in the middle of a string, you would pass in the address of the array element to start the comparison at. For example: if (strncmp(&string1[4], &string2[4], 4) == 0) { printf(“characters 5 – 8 … Read more

[Solved] Index and length must refer to a location within the string ASP.NET [duplicate]

I think you are looking for String.Insert Returns a new string in which a specified string is inserted at a specified index position in this instance. So simply use return name.Insert(extPos, “_180x140”); However as per your error is concerned use return name.Substring(0, extPos) + “_180x140” + name.Substring(extPos); solved Index and length must refer to a … Read more

[Solved] PHP Vertical String to Horizontal String [closed]

This is almost a duplicate of: How to restructure multi-dimensional array with columns as rows? and Combining array inside multidimensional array with same key This can be done with foreach loops, but I like the condensed variadic method (PHP 5.6+). You can research the aforementioned links to see the other techniques if your version isn’t … Read more

[Solved] substring methods java

String.substring() is a method, not a field, meaning you need to call str.substring() rather than simply str.substring. Further, the substring method takes parameters – you have to tell it the specific substring you want in the form of which indexes within the string. str.substring(0, 2) would print characters 0 and 1 (the upper bound is … Read more

[Solved] string.Substring not working correctly in C#

It’s actually working correctly. There is a leading space on the string and thus the ninth index is the space just before the DU. Consider this diagram: Jun30/13 DU SJ9802 0123456789 You’re starting on the ninth index, and that’s a space . 1 solved string.Substring not working correctly in C#