[Solved] Insert value locating particular column in Microsoft SQL server

Always use parameterized query anyway correct your current attempt as below “INSERT INTO tbl_user (UserID, UserName, UserName , UserType) VALUES(‘” + myUser.ID + “‘,'” + myUser.Name + “‘, ‘” + myUser.Password + “‘, ‘” + myUser.Type + “‘)”; RECOMMENDED Way is to Go with parameterized query always to prevent SQL Injection Attacks SqlCommand cmd = … Read more

[Solved] Duplicates of multiple values selected only by one Name: comma separated

Create your table taro: SELECT * INTO taro FROM ( SELECT 1111 AS [C no.], ‘ken’ AS [Name], ‘shiro’ AS Item, ‘3/3/2000 12:22’ AS [Date], ‘$25’ AS Amount UNION ALL SELECT 1111 AS [C no.], ‘ken’ AS Name, ‘aeshte’ AS Item, ‘3/3/2000 12:22’ AS [Date], ‘$25’ AS Amount UNION ALL SELECT 1111 AS [C no.], … Read more

[Solved] syntax error while executing sql [closed]

Try this, you are missing “+”s and “‘”s: DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) = N’ SELECT CASE WHEN ISNULL(10, ””) = ”” AND ISNULL(””, ””) = ”” THEN ”” ELSE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(5), 10) + ‘ + ”’ To ”’ + ‘ + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(5), 20) END;’; SELECT @SQL; EXEC(@SQL); 1 solved syntax error while executing sql [closed]

[Solved] Conversion function in SQL Server

Seems like you want to turn a base36 number into a base10 number. Then you could create a function for base conversion. The function create function dbo.fnBase36ToBase10(@input varchar(8)) returns int as begin declare @base36string varchar(8) = upper(@input); declare @result int = 0; declare @basechars varchar(36) = ‘0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’; declare @N int = 36; declare @digit char(1); … Read more

[Solved] How to create software .exe file attached it with database which can able to run on different machine?

Your question and your error arent related. For your client, you need to install Sql Express. LocalDB deployment on client PC For the flash error, you need to check where you are using flash and make sure is also installed. 2 solved How to create software .exe file attached it with database which can able … Read more

[Solved] MySql database structure for : Search based on single column and different value [closed]

try this: create table City ( Id int, Name varchar(50) ); insert into City (Id, Name) VALUES (1, ‘Toronto’), (2, ‘Chicago’) create table Libraries( Id int, Name varchar(50), CityId int ); insert into Libraries (Id, Name, CityId) VALUES (1, ‘Toronto Library 1’, 1), (2, ‘Toronto Library 2’, 1), (3, ‘Chicago Library 1’, 2), (4, ‘Chicago … Read more