[Solved] Sequences in JAVA [closed]

This works for me. public static void main(final String[] args) { final String input = “aaaab aOa baaab c”; final String[] sections = input.split(” “); final int length = 3; final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String section : sections) { for (int i = 0; i < section.length(); i++) { if (section.length() … Read more

[Solved] how to reverse a sequence [closed]

For Sql Sever Select Row_Number() Over(Order By [EMP_NO] Desc) as Emp_No, EMP_NAME from TableName Order By [Emp_No] Desc Sql Fiddle Demo For Oracle Sql Developer Select Row_Number() Over(Order By “EMP_NO” Desc) as “Emp_No”, “EMP_NAME” from Table1 Order By “Emp_No” Desc Sql Fiddle Demo 18 solved how to reverse a sequence [closed]

[Solved] There is a Sequence associated with the table. When i reset this sequence and inserting a data into a table data is not coming in ordered fashion

There is a Sequence associated with the table. When i reset this sequence and inserting a data into a table data is not coming in ordered fashion solved There is a Sequence associated with the table. When i reset this sequence and inserting a data into a table data is not coming in ordered fashion

[Solved] Longest monotonic subsequence algorithm NOT longest increasing algorithm

try this one: import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; public class Rozwiazanie { public static void main(String[] args) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String[] splittedLinia = br.readLine().split((char) 32 + “”);//moglaby byc ” ” ale tak na wszelki wypadek nie ma chuja zeby sie popierdolilo teraz nawet na linuxie int aktualnyWyraz = Integer.parseInt(splittedLinia[0]);//uwaga jakby … Read more

[Solved] Finding and counting the frequency of known pairs of words in multiple files [closed]

When using combinations() you are getting all pairs, even the non-adjacent ones. You can create a function that will return the adjacent pairs. I’ve tried the following code and it worked, maybe it can give you some insight: import os import re from collections import Counter def pairs(text): ans = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z]+’, text) return (tuple(ans[i:i+2]) for … Read more

[Solved] I can’t figure out this sequence – 11110000111000110010

There are many possible solutions to this problem. Here’s a reusable solution that simply decrements from 4 to 1 and adds the expected number of 1’s and 0’s. Loops used : 1 def sequence(n): string = “” for i in range(n): string+=’1’*(n-i) string+=’0’*(n-i) return string print sequence(4) There’s another single-line elegant and more pythonic way … Read more