[Solved] What are Unicode codepoint types for?

Texts have many different meaning and usages, so the question is difficult to answer. First: about codepoint. We uses the term codepoint because it is easy, it implies a number (code), and not really confuseable with other terms. Unicode tell us that it doesn’t use the term codepoint and character in a consistent way, but … Read more

[Solved] Is there a way to use rust functions in html button? [closed]

No, directly, you can’t. When a function is called from an HTML page, it’s runned by the client’s browser. A modern browser can only run javascript and webassembly. In case you don’t know, webassembly is a low level, assembly like language that your browser can run. Rust projects can be compiled into webassembly and used … Read more

[Solved] Create the type of Box

I think this may help you. #[derive(Debug)] enum Fruit { Apple(String), Banana(String), } #[derive(Debug)] struct Test { A: Box<Fruit>, } fn main() { let test = Test { A: Box::new(Fruit::Apple(“apple”.to_string())), }; println!(“{:?}”, test) } 1 solved Create the type of Box

[Solved] how to split and join files in c or rust? [closed]

In C++, you split files by reading the master and writing to one or more new files. This technique works with the C language also. Joining files depends if you want to merge or append. In the append case, the destination file is opened with the “append” and write attribute. The file pointer is set … Read more

[Solved] Traits and Rust

That block defines a new trait called Foo, which then allows you to use the trait in various places such as the impl block you have posted. The : Bar part says that any type that implements Foo must also implement the Bar trait. 0 solved Traits and Rust

[Solved] Rust import error

In your comments, you state: I don’t want to use [mod functions] because it will search for settings/functions.rs, and it is not i want to Have you tried that? Assuming you’ve declared the module correctly … this is exactly what you want. main.rs: mod functions; mod settings; fn main() { … } settings.rs: use functions; … Read more

[Solved] Why is swapping elements of a []float64 in Go faster than swapping elements of a Vec in Rust?

Could the Rust program be written in an idiomatic way, to execute faster? Yes. To create a vector with a few elements, use the vec![] macro: let mut work: Vec<f64> = vec![0.0, 1.0]; for _x in 1..100000000 { work.swap(0, 1); } So is this code faster? Yes. Have a look at what assembly is generated: … Read more

[Solved] Type for `|f| move |A| A.map(f)`

It looks like you want a generic function, so define one directly: #![feature(type_alias_impl_trait)] fn main() { type Mapper<A, B> = impl Fn(Vec<A>) -> Vec<B>; //type Map<A, B> = fn(fn(A) -> B) -> Mapper<A, B>; //let map: Map::<A, B> = |f| move |a: Vec<A>| a.into_iter().map(f).collect(); fn map2<A, B>(f: fn(A) -> B) -> Mapper<A, B> { move … Read more

[Solved] How to add variable length array into a Vec?

What have you tried? The straight translation of your example works: fn main() { let mut a = vec![]; a.push(vec![1, 2]); a.push(vec![1, 2, 3]); a.push(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]); a.push(vec![1, 2, 3]); println!(“{:?}”, a); } Playground solved How to add variable length array into a Vec?

[Solved] Not live long enough with CSV and dataflow

The problem is that you are pushing to the Vec a borrowed value: &record[i]. The & means borrow, and as a consequence the original value record must outlive the borrower vec. That might seem fine (both are in the for body, and thus both have the same lifetime, i.e., they both live inside the for … Read more

[Solved] What is the point of & in Rust if I can omit it?

foo: &Foo is a reference to a Foo, while foo: Foo is a Foo value. The first signature declares that the function only borrows foo by taking a reference, the second signature declares that it takes ownership of the value. Although both compile, and both are correct, there is a difference in how you call … Read more