[Solved] What is the point of & in Rust if I can omit it?

foo: &Foo is a reference to a Foo, while foo: Foo is a Foo value.

The first signature declares that the function only borrows foo by taking a reference, the second signature declares that it takes ownership of the value.

Although both compile, and both are correct, there is a difference in how you call them and what you can do in the function body.

First variant:

// foo is still available here

Second variant:

// foo is no longer available here; it was moved into bar 
// (unless foo is Copy, in which case it is copied into bar)

Furthermore, if the function bar owns the value foo, it is possible to move fields out of foo. This is not possible if foo is a reference.

Here is a demonstration with a field type that is not Copy:

struct Foo {
    x: String,

fn bar1(foo: &Foo) -> &String {
    // let y = foo.x;  // moving out of a reference would not compile
    &foo.x // can return a reference to field

fn bar2(foo: Foo) -> String {
    foo.x // can move x out of foo

fn main() {
    let foo = Foo {
        x: "foo".to_string(),

    let x: &String = bar1(&foo);
    let x: String = bar2(foo);

    // bar1(&foo);  // would not compile; foo has been moved into bar2 above



solved What is the point of & in Rust if I can omit it?