[Solved] How to hold Rust objects in Rust code created through C++?

To achieve that, we need a way to store the instances into a list of some kind, and return the index of the list to C++, so it works like a pointer to a Rust struct.

I can’t see why this would be the case. You don’t need a static list to return pointers from Rust. Simply allocate a Box in Rust and return it to the C++ code – a Box<T> with T: Sized has the same memory layout as a C pointer.

As explained in the linked documentation, your code can simply look like this:

// C++ header

// Returns ownership to the caller
extern "C" void *foo_new();

// Borrows mutably. The pointee cannot be changed by a different thread
// during the runtime of the function. The argument must be a pointer
// allocated with foo_new().
extern "C" void foo_transmogrify(void *);

// Takes ownership from the caller; no-op when invoked with NULL
extern "C" void foo_delete(void *);
pub struct Foo {
    glonk: bool,

pub extern "C" fn foo_new() -> Box<Foo> {
    Box::new(Foo { glonk: false })

pub extern "C" fn foo_transmogrify(foo: &mut Foo) {
    foo.glonk = true;

pub extern "C" fn foo_delete(_: Option<Box<Foo>>) {}

Note that the deallocation function can simply be empty. It will take ownership of the Box and implicitly drops it at the end of the function body.


solved How to hold Rust objects in Rust code created through C++?