[Solved] How to compare this two hashes in ruby [closed]

1. Symbolize keys These hashes are not equal because the keys are not equal. If you want to compare the values, no matter whether the keys are strings or symbols you can just transform the keys using to_sym. (Note that this will not transform nested keys). first_hash.transform_keys(&:to_sym) == second_hash.transform_keys(&:to_sym) 2. Compare as JSON (NOT RECOMMENDED) … Read more

[Solved] Email Regex. Is this regex expression appropriate? [duplicate]

What do you think of the above expression for email validation. For one, it doesn’t accept my address. So, there’s obviously a bug in there somewhere. I suggest you read RfC5322 carefully, it describes the valid syntax for addresses quite clearly, although unfortunately it hasn’t yet been updated for IDN. solved Email Regex. Is this … Read more

[Solved] How to write block in IRB?

(Oh you mean IRB) If you enter something that will be on multiple lines, ruby will wait until the final end is completed before running the code: irb(main):001:0> def dostuff irb(main):002:1> puts “things” irb(main):003:1> end => :dostuff irb(main):004:0> dostuff things => nil irb(main):005:0> As you can see the number at the prompt changes depending on … Read more

[Solved] Twitter bootstrap datepicker is not working in rails

Add //= require_self to application.js this includes its own file contents too. This has to be done explicitly. also keep the application.js formatted //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require bootstrap //= require bootstrap-datepicker //= require picker //= require_tree . //= require_self $(function() { $(‘#dp5’).datepicker() }); // Do not keep bank spaces between included … Read more

[Solved] Convert string to XXX

What you need is hash and not string. You can use it like this, hash = {id: 2} User.where(hash) And if you really want to use string you can do it like this, string = “id = 2” User.where(string) If you want to execute the string you can use eval. In that case it will … Read more

[Solved] What would the ruby equivalent be to this python script?

Python: print (“{0:5s} {1:7s} {2:9s} {3:6s} {4:25s} {5:s}”.format(‘Rank’, ‘Points’, ‘Comments’, ‘Hours’, ‘Sub’, ‘Link’)) Ruby: puts “%-5s %-7s %-9s %-6s %-25s %-5s” % [‘Rank’, ‘Points’, ‘Comments’, ‘Hours’, ‘Sub’, ‘Link’] Alternatively: puts sprintf(“%-5s %-7s %-9s %-6s %-25s %-5s”, *[‘Rank’, ‘Points’, ‘Comments’, ‘Hours’, ‘Sub’, ‘Link’]) 1 solved What would the ruby equivalent be to this python script?

[Solved] which programming language I should use between java and ruby for creating Android and iPhone app [closed]

Lua programming language is awesome for creating Android and iPhone Apps, You can Check this Corona SDK, Corona SDK is awesome and simple to use for creating Android and iPhone Apps, And for web apps Ruby is awesome for web Apps and You can See PHP too. I hope that I helped you. 🙂 6 … Read more