[Solved] Ruby combine hashes? [closed]

a = {:a => :b} b = {:b => :c} # Works on ruby >= 2.1 c = a.map{|k, v| [k, b[v]]}.to_h #=> {:a => :c} # Works on all versions of ruby c = Hash[a.map{|k, v| [k, b[v]]}] #=> {:a => :c} solved Ruby combine hashes? [closed]

[Solved] Insert code into the beginning of each method of a class

I initially misinterpreted the question (but have left my original answer after the horizontal line below). I believe the following may be what you are looking for. class C1 [:m1, :m2].each do |m| define_method(m) do |name| @i_am = __method__ puts “I’m #{name} from method #{@i_am}” end end end C1.instance_methods(false) #=> [:m1, :m2] c1 = C1.new … Read more

[Solved] How can I convert a JSON file to a html page in Ruby on Rails? [closed]

I think this recursive function does a good job at converting the JSON file to a pretty html page. def parse(hash, iteration=0 ) iteration += 1 output = “” hash.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) output += “<div class=”entry” style=”margin-left:#{iteration}em”> <span style=”font-size:#{250 – iteration*20}%”>#{key}: </span><br>” output += parse(value,iteration) output += “</div>” elsif value.is_a?(Array) output += … Read more

[Solved] Error undefined methode ‘interger’ when make migrate [closed]

try this: class CreatePages < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change create_table :pages do |t| t.string :name t.text :description t.text :address t.text :contact t.string :profile_image t.string :cover_image t.string :look_book t.integer :seller_id t.timestamps end end end solved Error undefined methode ‘interger’ when make migrate [closed]

[Solved] Are refinements in Ruby 2.0 totally useless? [closed]

You completely dismiss the fact that Refinements aren’t globally scoped, but that’s the very reason for their introduction. Of course, if you simply ignore the reason for something’s existence, then you obviously won’t see any value in it. But, see the isolation in action. Here is your example modified to use Refinements: module MyModule refine … Read more

[Solved] Confused about output in student project

Let me ruin it for you… Your basic logic seems both sound and overly complex at the same time. Here is some input: You defined a lot of methods for tasks that already exist. Always assume that Ruby has you covered, for any task you need – even if you’re wrong, searching through the documentation … Read more

[Solved] How to replace a pattern in a string

I would do this for the links <%= ([1,2,3]- [params[:x]]).each do |link_number| %> <%= link_to “Version #{link_number}”, “/page?x=#{link_number}” %> <% end %> This way everytime the page is loaded the link to the other 2 versions will exist. You could handle the partials through the controller (which seems better) or use something like: <%= render … Read more

[Solved] Why {{}} is syntax error while [[]] isn’t? [closed]

You create a hash by providing zero or more key-value pairs. {} creates a hash with a zero key-value pairs, i.e. an empty hash {‘foo’ => ‘bar’} creates a hash with a single pair (key ‘foo’ and value ‘bar’) {‘foo’} raises a SyntaxError because there’s only a key, the value is missing The error message … Read more

[Solved] Rails app have not exist [closed]

cPanel Shared hosting is not meant for Ruby on Rails work. You should go for a VPS. If you need something light, try Heruku. They are kind of shared hosting (PAAS) for Ruby on Rails and some other stacks. Plus, they also offer a free plan. 3 solved Rails app have not exist [closed]