[Solved] Extract image URL in a string (RSS with syndicationfeed)

Complete solution with regex : string source =”<img src=\”http://MyUrl.JPG.jpg\””; var reg = new Regex(“src=(?:\”|\’)?(?<imgSrc>[^>]*[^/].(?:jpg|bmp|gif|png))(?:\”|\’)?”); var match=reg.Match(source); if(match.Success) { var encod = match.Groups[“imgSrc”].Value; } solved Extract image URL in a string (RSS with syndicationfeed)

[Solved] How to disable RSS in ASP.NET

Look for something like this on the html template and remove it (don’t make a literal search of the entire tag since title and href will be different) <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”RSS” href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15400046/url” /> 2 solved How to disable RSS in ASP.NET

[Solved] RSS Feed from Google [closed]

This can be done simply by going to Google News and typing what the search is. At the bottom, there is a Create Alert button. Click on it to get the RSS link. solved RSS Feed from Google [closed]

[Solved] How to sort multidimensional PHP array (recent news time based implementation)

First convert your JSON string to PHP array using json_decode. Use usort to sort the array like. usort($array, ‘sortByDate’); function sortByDate($a, $b) { $date1=$a[‘pubDate’]; $date2=$b[‘pubDate’]; //return value based on above two dates. } 1 solved How to sort multidimensional PHP array (recent news time based implementation)

[Solved] HTML and CSS twitter/Facebook feed

Since the slider is used for users input it used the same syntax other input tags do. The type of this tag though is “range” <input type=”range” /> The previous snippt should be enough to show the slider, but this tag has more attributes you can use. Let’s set the range of values (max and … Read more

[Solved] lastBuildDate in dynamically generated RSS

The item having the newest PubDate should become the lastBuildTime. [EDIT]: If there is a separate PubDate you are using too for whole feed, then lastBuildTime should be current time because you are building it at current time on-demand :). [EDIT]: 2:: As lastBuildTime is optional and you’re anyways including PubDate for whole feed, why … Read more