[Solved] i want to remove double quotes from a string without replace function

If I understood your requirement correctly, you can just use bracket notation like obj[‘a’].name var obj = { a: { “name”: “Emma” }, b: { “name”: “Harry” }, c: { “name”: “Jonny” } }; var ary = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’] for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { console.log(obj[ary[i]].name) } Here you pass … Read more

[Solved] How to replace multiple value in capturing group with regexp

That’s a fairly nasty bit of corruption you’ve got in your file; it looks like CDATA is malformed in several different ways. This catches all of the errors you’ve described: <tag>.*?\K((?:<!|!<)CDATA\[.*?\]+>+)(?=.*<\/tag>) This regex checks that the string starts with <tag>, gets text up to the “start” of your CDATA tag, and then uses \K to … Read more

[Solved] How to find any date format in a string [closed]

/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/(?:\d{2}){1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{2}(:?:\d{2})?/gm For a few pieces: \d{1,2} matches 1 or two digits. (?:\d{2}){1,2} matches a group of two digits once or twice. (therefore, 2 or 4 digits) (?:\d{2}:)? allows the seconds to be optional 2 solved How to find any date format in a string [closed]

[Solved] Java int to fraction

Try (?<=-| |^)(\d+)(?!\d*\/) Explanation: (?<=…) – positive lookahead, assert, what precedes matches pattern inside -| |^ – match either -, , or beginning of a line ^ (\d+) – match one or more digits and store in first capturing group (?!\d*\/) – negative lookahead, assert what follows is not zero or mroe digits followed by … Read more

[Solved] Get height and length using regular expression

If you really need “1210” from “GB-1210” you can use this regular expression: (?:\w+-|\s?x\s?)([^″]+) Otherwise “GB-1210” can be a Chinese standard. So probably it would be great for you to use this: (\d+(?: \d+\/\d+)?)″ Also you can catch the measurement direction: (\d+(?: \d+\/\d+)?)″(\w) or (?:\w+-|\s?x\s?)([^″]+)″(\w) solved Get height and length using regular expression

[Solved] Filter JSON value encapsulated inside HTML DOM using Regex

Code: (Demo) function extractColumnData($html,$key){ if(!preg_match(“~\.put\(‘\d+’,\s+(.+?)\);~”,$html,$out)){ return “alert yourself of the preg_match failure”; } if(($array=@json_decode($out[1],true))===null && json_last_error()!==JSON_ERROR_NONE){ return “alert yourself of the json decode failure”; } return array_column(current(array_column(current($array),’options’)),$key,’name’); // this assumes the static structure of your json/array data } $html=<<<HTML <script> HZ.productVariation.Manager.setSpaceId(‘33503761’); HZ.data.Variations.put(‘33503761’, {“availVar”: [{“id”: “c”, “label”: “Color”, “options”: [{“name”: “Chrome”, “avail”: 1, “stock”: 1, “price”: … Read more

[Solved] Javascript regular expression that matches at least 2 character (with special characters included) 2 numbers and max length of 8

var regexTests = { “Needs at least 2 letters or special characters”: /(.*[A-Z!@#$%^&*()_+\-=[\]{}|;:<>?,./]){2,}/i, “Needs at least 2 digits”: /(.*\d){2,}/, “Needs at least 8 total characters”: /.{8,}/ }; function testText(txt) { return Object.keys(regexTests).filter(function(error) { return !regexTests[error].test(txt); }); } console.log(testText(“12”)); console.log(testText(“gg”)); console.log(testText(“g1”)); console.log(testText(“g11f”)); console.log(testText(“23df78sd”)); solved Javascript regular expression that matches at least 2 character (with special characters … Read more

[Solved] In JavaScript, how do I replace multiple values in a string with replace() function without using a regular expression? [duplicate]

In JavaScript, how do I replace multiple values in a string with replace() function without using a regular expression? [duplicate] solved In JavaScript, how do I replace multiple values in a string with replace() function without using a regular expression? [duplicate]

[Solved] Regex substring in python3

No need for regex here, you can just split the text on \n and : , i.e..: text = “””It sent a notice of delivery of goods: UserName1 Sent a notice of delivery of the goods: User is not found, UserName2 It sent a notice of receipt of the goods: UserName1 It sent a notice … Read more

[Solved] Regular expression to find the exact match for tag in a string.- JS [closed]

It looks like you’re attempting to match against <> and not &lt;&gt;. In addition, back slashes must be escaped within the RegExp constructor. Therefore: function regex() { let str1= “TT-DD-11-AZR\”&gt;&lt;img src=x onerror=alert(1)&gt;” let regex = new RegExp(“&lt;img([\\w\\W]+?)&gt;”, “g”); const match = regex.exec(str1); if (match) { //this comes as null return match; } } console.log(regex()) solved … Read more