[Solved] regex to check password consist of Character and Number [duplicate]
Simple: /^(?=.{8,32}$)(?=.*[a-z]).*\d/i (assuming you meant “letter” not “character”.) solved regex to check password consist of Character and Number [duplicate]
Simple: /^(?=.{8,32}$)(?=.*[a-z]).*\d/i (assuming you meant “letter” not “character”.) solved regex to check password consist of Character and Number [duplicate]
This should work 🙂 String num1 = mEtfirst.getText().toString(); char[] temp = num1.toCharArray(); int i=0; num1=””; while(Character.isDigit(temp[i])) num1=num1+Character.toString(temp[i++]); This converts the string to a character array, checks the array character by character, and stores it in num1 until a non-digit character is encountered. Edit: Also, if you want to convert num1 to an integer, use: num1=Integer.parseInt(num1); … Read more
Try with preg_replace_callback function in php. $ptn = “/_[a-z]?/”; $str = “kp_o_zmq_k”; $result = preg_replace_callback($ptn,”callbackhandler”,$str); // print the result echo $result; function callbackhandler($matches) { return strtoupper(ltrim($matches[0], “_”)); } 0 solved Converting all underscore connected letters to uppercase in php [closed]
If it is about the longest possible matching (sub)string, thus the most specific one, the task actually can be solved pretty easy. sort the array descending by each of its string-item’s length property. Iterate the array … for each string item, try whether it is included within the given text. Stop iterating with the first … Read more
If you are trying to parse single or double quoted strings, it should be done in two steps. Validation, then parse for values. You could probably do both in a single regex with the use of a \G anchor, validating with \A\G and parsing with just the \G. If you are sure its valid, you … Read more
This is hard to do with perl’s extended regular expressions, which are considerably more powerful than anything in C++. I suggest a different tack: First get rid of the things that don’t look like functions such as data (look for the D designator). Stuff like virtual thunk to this, virtual table for that, etc., will … Read more
Here: http://rubular.com/r/CCW7sAUMrs is an example regex that matches whole text within {{ }}. You can easily clean up Your string with it using re.sub. Note, that it will not work when You have text like {{test}} paragraph {{test}}, because it will match whole string. As larsmans said, it gets harder if You can nest braces. … Read more
Try using Pattern and Matcher classes from java.util.regex package. Something like this : String data = “[‘first data’,’second data’, ‘third data’]”; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(“‘(.*?)'”); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(data); while (matcher.find()) { System.out.println(matcher.group(1)); } Output: first data second data third data solved How do I parse and split data in single quotation mark using Java?
This will work only for your case and is not parsing HTML. DISCLAIMER First read: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1732454/7939871 This parsing with a sed Search-and-replace Regular Expression is a shortcut interpretation. It is in no way for use in any kind of production setup; as it would break on so many valid HTML syntax or layout variations like: … Read more
Extend the capturing group around the “one or more not white space” LinkParser = new Regex(@”\b(?<url>https?://\S+)[‘””]”, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Then access the match collection with m.Groups[“url”].Value A simpler pattern might also work well: \b(?<url>http.*?)[‘”] These are very primitive and I wouldn’t guarantee it works in all cases. If you have urls that aren’t quoted at … Read more
This is very bad practice, but because you asked for it: $str=”BCT34385Z0000N07518Z”; preg_match(‘/^(.{6})(.*?)$/’, $str, $result); echo $result[1]; // ‘BCT343′ echo $result[2]; // ’85Z0000N07518Z’ or if you want an if statement: $str = …; if (preg_match(‘/^BCT343/’, $str)) { // yes! } 2 solved Custom Regular Expressions [closed]
To match numbers preceded by # use (?<=#)\d+ (positive lookbehind for #, then a non-empty sequence of digits). To match numbers not preceded by # use (?<!\d|#)\d+ (negative lookbehind). This time however the “forbidden” preceding char is either a # or a digit. Of course, use both patterns with g (global) option. If you want … Read more
If you want to remove all spaces, hyphens and digits from the beginning of the string, as your examples suggest, this regular expression should do the trick: ^[- 0-9]* Demo solved How to remove all the prefix digits in a String value? [duplicate]
The following command should do what you want: %s/^\d\{3} \zs9/ Note that this will only work if the phone numbers have the exact format you give. The regex is very specific, to make it a little more unlikely to screw up anything else in the file. Since you said you were having trouble, I’ll explain … Read more
You want the token [\dRNXB@$]. Add to the ending + if you need it to match 1 or more times or a * if you need it to match 0 or more times. \d is special and matches any digit character. Make sure that if you’re in a context where backslashes are being used for … Read more