[Solved] python variable assignment, can i disable var? [closed]
Why don’t you make it into a function? def buttonAritmethic(x): return (x*imgfW)+buttonCenter, 350 2 solved python variable assignment, can i disable var? [closed]
Why don’t you make it into a function? def buttonAritmethic(x): return (x*imgfW)+buttonCenter, 350 2 solved python variable assignment, can i disable var? [closed]
this code gives an index error. the code of my instructor had another string passed in the test_board which was not shown in the output also solved this code gives an index error. the code of my instructor had another string passed in the test_board which was not shown in the output also
You just need to fix the indentation r = 0 while r<15: hit = str(input(“””A1 A2 A3 A4 A5\n\nB1 B2 B3 B4 B5\n\nC1 C2 C3 C4 C5\n\nD1 D2 D3 D4 D5\n\nE1 E2 E3 E4 E5\nThis is the board. Pick any co- ordinate you want to fire on: “””)) if hit in (“A2”, “a2”): print(“You hit … Read more
I have been solving problems in HackerRank and I am getting ” Runtime Error 🙁 ” again and again, for all problems. What mistake am I doing here…? solved I have been solving problems in HackerRank and I am getting ” Runtime Error 🙁 ” again and again, for all problems. What mistake am I … Read more
If I understand your question well: by doing test.i = “Hello”, your are modifying its attribute i but your are not “modifying the class” nor its code. Your are simply changing the value of a variable that happens to be an object attribute. So, the class “does not look like that” because it does not … Read more
Latest stable release is 3.4.2. A simple update will do it 1 solved How do I check when CenteredNorm was included in Matplotlib? And hence if it is available in Matplotlib 3.3.2
You have to create an object of your class: class MyClass: def __init__(self,a=1,b=2): self.a=a self.b=b def function1(self): self.c=self.a/self.b + 5 return(self.c) print(MyClass().function1()) MyClass() creates an object that can be used to access attributes in the class. For a general instance: m = MyClass() print(m.function1()) 6 solved Why the method in some class I created, ask … Read more
What you suggest actually works as is: >>> x=1 >>> eval(input()) print(x) 1 Another method you can have a look at is the exec method (and above that is a detailed description for eval). Depending on what you are going for this might be a bad idea though. Have a look at the local and … Read more
The while loop stops when the function exits, and the function exits when the return statement is executed. The return statement is executed when s.find() returns -1, which means that t was no found in s when searching from last_pos + 1 onwards. solved How does the while loop know when to stop?
The trick is to recognize that you don’t have to test all the a up to x. For a^x == a+x, then a&x == 0. So we count the number of zeroes in the bitstring of x and then out answer is 2**count -1 test = int(input()) for _ in range(test): x = int(input()) print(2**bin(x)[2:].count(‘0’) … Read more
First, your help_dict is not a dict, it’s a set. Second: you’re comparing a string with a set – which of course won’t never ever compare equal. Testing if a set contains an element is done with the in operator: if something in myset: – and for non-appartenance you simply use not in. IOW, you … Read more
from collections import Counter import json from pprint import pprint with open(‘logs.txt’) as infile: data = (json.loads(line) for line in infile) counter = Counter((row[‘type’], row[‘key’]) for row in data) pprint(dict(counter)) Output: {(u’REVERSEGEOCODE’, u’04track12netics2015′): 5, (u’REVERSEGEOCODE’, u’fpOgtLY1ZF22m3va4FLkU52tsLmpaNyo’): 1, (u’SEARCH’, u’fpOgtLY1ZF22m3va4FLkU52tsLmpaNyo’): 1, (u’TILE’, u’CxIQlYBhwykcIxtYwrrbltCDiJ4xUxfN’): 3, (u’TILE’, u’fpOgtLY1ZF22m3va4FLkU52tsLmpaNyo’): 4} 1 solved Counting how many times a value occurs … Read more
# First declare a class (empty, in this case) class Pract: pass # Then instantiate it p1 = Pract() # Then set the attribute p1.age = 45 # Then print the attribute print(p1.age) You cannot instantiate a class before you finish declaring it. Everything you put inside class is part of the class definition. You … Read more
Check out these packages/ functions, you’ll find some code on these websites and you can tailor it to your needs. Some useful codes: Read_excel import pandas as pd df = pd.read_excel(‘your_file.xlsx’) Code above reads an excel file to python and keeps it as a DataFrame, named df. Matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(df[‘column – x … Read more
you only create form if your request is POST. so if you try to call your view with get method form variable is not created. this is your code I’m gonna walk you through it. def register(request): if request.method == “POST”: form = UserCreationForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): username = form.cleaned_data.get(‘username’) messages.success(request,f”{username}, your account has been created!”) … Read more