[Solved] “FizzBuzz”-style program that checks for divisibility by multiple numbers prints numbers multiple times when it should print words

Add the “Fizz” “Buzz” “Bizz” if the division is possible, at the end if nothing has been added, it means that you have to print the number itself. n = 0 toTest = [ 3, 5, 7 ] outputCanBe = [ “Fizz”, “Buzz”, “Bizz” ] outputIndex = 0 iteration = (len(toTest)) while n <= 25: … Read more

[Solved] Given a non-empty list of strings of the same length, how do I create a list of lists of the letters at each position in the string without using zip? [closed]

Given a non-empty list of strings of the same length, how do I create a list of lists of the letters at each position in the string without using zip? [closed] solved Given a non-empty list of strings of the same length, how do I create a list of lists of the letters at each … Read more

[Solved] Sorting a dictionary where values are also dictionaries?

Use x[1][“number”] in your lambda n [40]: d Out[40]: {‘b’: {‘description’: ‘second letter’, ‘number’: 2}, ‘a’: {‘description’: ‘first letter’, ‘number’: 1}, ‘c’: {‘description’: ‘third letter’, ‘number’: 3}} In [41]: sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x:x[1][“number”]) Out[41]: [(‘a’, {‘description’: ‘first letter’, ‘number’: 1}), (‘b’, {‘description’: ‘second letter’, ‘number’: 2}), (‘c’, {‘description’: ‘third letter’, ‘number’: 3})] 1 solved Sorting a … Read more

[Solved] how to know if a value is in the same range of time in python [closed]

You could group by name, next count values and filter results which have count 3 (because you have 3 years) groups = df.groupby(‘name’).count() result = groups[ groups[‘date’] == 3 ].index.to_list() print(result) Or you could directly count names counts = df[‘name’].value_counts() result = counts[ counts == 3 ].index.to_list() print(‘result:’, result) Minimal working example: I use io.StringIO … Read more

[Solved] Python code HW- Password check program [closed]

The line number where you error occurs should be clearly noted. From my own call: while guess = password: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax In addition, it’s a logic error of sorts: you want the user to keep guessing while the guess is incorrect, that is guess != password. 1 solved Python code HW- Password check … Read more

[Solved] What is the use of for in python [closed]

for is used to loop through the defined variable s, which in this case is a string containing letters, digits (numbers), and whitespace (spaces, tabs etc.). First time: ‘ Abs3 asdasd asd11 111 11ss’ ^ As we can see, the first character of the string is: “” (space). The code goes on to test if … Read more

[Solved] Convert Valve data structure to JSON [closed]

Happily, the atoms used by the format are similar enough to Python that we can use the tokenize and ast modules for an ad-hoc parser. It will probably break horribly on broken input, but works for your example data 🙂 import tokenize import token import ast import io import json def parse_valve_format(data): dest = {} … Read more

[Solved] I keep getting a TypeError [closed]

If you convert the number in int then you should store in some variable. number = int(number) then do Oddoreven= number%2 And use = assignment sign not comparison == sign Because if u don’t store it in another variable it will not be casted to int and then it will be treated as string only … Read more