[Solved] Need to change letters to other letters (Python 2.7)

something like this? orig = ‘hello’ # table = {‘h’: ‘L’, ‘e’: ‘O’, ‘l’: ‘A’, ‘o’: ‘W’ } # table_tr = dict( (ord(a), ord(b)) for a,b in table.items() ) table_tr = str.maketrans(‘helo’, ‘LOAW’) res = orig.translate(table_tr) print(res) (this is for python3; for python2 you need to import string and use string.maketrans) solved Need to change … Read more

[Solved] Python JSON union dictionay list

Python dictionaries do not maintain order, so you cannot guarantee the order you entered the data is the same order it will be in when emitted from json.dumps(). If you need an ordered dictionary, check out collections.OrderedDict. 1 solved Python JSON union dictionay list

[Solved] Regex stemmer code explanation

It splits a word into two parts: stem and end. There are three cases: The word ends with ss (or even more s): stem <- word and end <- “” The word ends with a single s: stem <- word without “s” and end <- “s” The word does not end with s: stem <- … Read more

[Solved] How to insert duplicated values in dictionary?

You can’t have what you describe. You could have this: dct = {} dct[‘word1’] = 23 dct[‘word2’] = 12 dct[‘word1’] = 7 dct[‘word2′] = 2 But at the end all you’d end up with is this: {‘word1’: 7, ‘word2’: 2} Keys in a dictionary cannot be repeated. If your code is actually set up like … Read more

[Solved] how to delete the “u and ‘ ‘ ” before the of database table display by python [closed]

You are looking at whole tuples with unicode strings; the u” is normal when showing you a tuple with unicode values inside: >>> print u’Hello World!’ Hello World! >>> print (u’Hello World’,) (u’Hello World’,) You want to format each row: print u’ {:<15} {:<8} {:<6}’.format(*row) See the str.format() documentation, specifically the Format Syntax reference; the … Read more

[Solved] How to convert RGB to grayscale by using color dimensions [closed]

The converting function that you are referring to does the same – it weights the R,G and B channel values of each pixel, and takes the sum. Since OpenCV uses the BGR colorspace on reading images, your conversion function will be something like this- def rgbToGray(img): grayImg = 0.0722*img(:,:,1) + 0.7152*img(:,:,2) + 0.2126*img(:,:,3) return grayImg … Read more

[Solved] How to implement Closure in python using c api? [closed]

I’ve never actually seen PyFunction_SetClosure used, but I would expect to use it for modifying an existing Python function object to change the closure variables. It probably isn’t suitable for implementing a generating a new function with a closure from scratch, because that would not be implemented in terms of PyFunctionObject (since these are specifically … Read more

[Solved] Find an element in a list of tuples in python [closed]

You can use in to test membership: >>> for attr in attrs: … if (‘href’, ‘http://fls-na.amazon.com’) in attr: … print attr … [(‘rel’, ‘dns-prefetch’), (‘href’, ‘http://fls-na.amazon.com’)] solved Find an element in a list of tuples in python [closed]