[Solved] how to start the forloop.counter from a different index

I’m not comfortable with Django, so I show a couple of option in plain Python, given the collections: something1 = [1,2,3,4] something2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] You can access objects by index (not the same as database index): i = 1 for e1 in something1: print(e1) i += 1 for i2 in range(i,len(something2)): print(something2[i2]) Or slice the … Read more

[Solved] how get input of multiple lines

Is this what you are after? >>> d=[] >>> while(True): … s=raw_input() … if s==””:break … temp = [s] … d.append(temp) … a,b,7-6,7-6,6-3 c,d,7-4,7-6,6-2 e,f,6-4,7-6,6-2 >>> d [[‘a,b,7-6,7-6,6-3’], [‘c,d,7-4,7-6,6-2’], [‘e,f,6-4,7-6,6-2’]] This makes a list item out of the input and then appends that list to your main list d You now should be able to … Read more

[Solved] 2.7.6 python version needs parenthesis to print?

Your impression is correct, it’s not needed (unless of course you import print_function von __future__!). However, it’s not prohibited either. print is followed by an expression, and (sys.version) is a valid expression as much as sys.version is. Note that (x) does not create a tuple containing x (that would be (x,)). solved 2.7.6 python version … Read more

[Solved] Addition function in Python is not working as expected

You don’t need the functions nor the sum or multiply variables, just put the operation in str.format(), and you were missing the last position. # def addition(num1,num2): # return num1+num2 # def multiplication(num1,num2): # return num1*num2 print(“1.addition”) print(“2.multiplication”) choice = int(input(“Enter Choice 1/2”)) num1 = float(input(“Enter First Number:”)) num2 = float(input(“Enter Second Number:”)) # sum … Read more

[Solved] What is my mistake?

from bulbs.config import Config, DEBUG from bulbs.rexster import Graph from bulbs.titan import Graph config = Config(‘http://localhost:8182/graphs/ramgraph’) g = Graph(config) class inser_class(): ponnapu = g.vertices.create(name=”reddy”, age=”26″, state=”TELNGANA”, mobn=”111111111″) pr = g.vertices.create(name=”ramnath” ,age=”25″ , state=”TELNGANA”, mobn=”1111111″) tanu = g.vertices.create (name=”ponnapu”,age=”27″,state=”AP”,mobn=”11111111111111″) g.edges.create(pr, “knows”, tanu) g.edges.create(pr, “friends”, ponnapu) g.edges.create(ponnapu, “dontknow”,tanu) solved What is my mistake?

[Solved] Variable in Dictionary Value String Python

This should do it: My_DICT = {‘Sale_Type’ : ‘Car’, ‘Sale_Length’ : 5, “Query_String” : “”} My_DICT[‘Query_String’] = “select * from Sales where Length > %s” % My_DICT[‘Sale_Length’] — EDIT — Considering your input example, you have a list of dictionaries in My_DICT. You could do it like this: for element in My_DICT: element[‘Query_String’] = “select … Read more

[Solved] Conditional operator in python dictonaries and set

Python 2 tries to provide a sort order for almost everything; dictionaries are no exception. Dictionaries are arbitrarily but consistently ordered when compared to one another to ensure that you can sort a heterogenous list that contains them. You should not derive any meaning from their comparisons, really. Python 3 abandoned the notion that all … Read more

[Solved] Python elif: syntax error

you end the if block in the previous line when put a instruction at the same level indentation that the if statement if condition: stuff something # doing this close the if block and a elif can only happen in a if block and you do that in if row_count == 0: for i in … Read more