[Solved] [Environment]::Exit(0) – MEANING OF THIS? [closed]

Classically, programs in MS-DOS and under the Windows Command Line (CMD.EXE) signalled errors by setting the system environment variable ERRORLEVEL to a non-zero value. PowerShell does not, by default, do this. If one wishes to invoke a PowerShell script, and have it behave like other programs (and batch files) when called from a batch file, … Read more

[Solved] Why does the ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion property on the Get-ADGroup command in the PS AD module return a NullReferenceException on one machine?

This is a bug in PowerShell 6. The resolution is to upgrade to PowerShell 7, where it was fixed. Reference GitHub issue where the issue was first reported & marked fixed: SteveL-MSFT commented on Aug 23, 2019: This is fixed in PS7 Preview3 (See also https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellModuleCoverage/issues/8) solved Why does the ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion property on the Get-ADGroup … Read more

[Solved] C# equivalent code for Powershell [closed]

namespace StackOverflow { using System; using System.Xml; class XmlTest { public static void yourTest() { XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.Load(“yourXmlPath.xml”); // It is recommended that you use the XmlNode.SelectNodes or XmlNode.SelectSingleNode method instead of the GetElementsByTagName method. XmlNodeList xmlNodes = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName(“attribute”); foreach(XmlNode xmlNode in xmlNodes) { if (xmlNode.ParentNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem(“alias”) != null) { string attributeName = … Read more

[Solved] I need to execute a powershell script from C# and “type in” a response when the program prompts me

It’s unclear what you trying to achieve, but: The programm exits on the first error, hence the second command is not called Your code throws an error, because Test1 was not found, and I’d assume Test2 woudn’t be found, too The script, or command must exist Example: PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create(); ps.AddScript(“D:\PSScripts\MyScript.ps1”).Invoke(); More see Adding … Read more

[Solved] Search for folders that doesn’t contain file with a wanted name

Try executing this in the directory containing all your movies’ folders : $language = Read-Host “Language to search for” foreach ($folder in (dir -Directory)) { if (-not (Get-ChildItem -Path “$($folder.Name)/*.$language.srt”)) { “Missing $language subtitle for $($folder.Name)” } } 0 solved Search for folders that doesn’t contain file with a wanted name

[Solved] Moving files from one location to another with a wildcard file extension?

Assuming that the file names are in a file, one on each line, with no extension, this code might do it. When you are confident that the correct files will be moved, remove the -WhatIf from the Move-Item cmdlet. $names = Get-Content -Path ‘.\filelist.txt’ Get-ChildItem -File -Path ‘C:\the\directory’ | ForEach-Item { if ($names -contains $_.Name) … Read more

[Solved] PowerShell Active Directory Login Script Auto-Build

For Future reference to anybody who wants to do this. I’ve managed to resolve it myself after some playing around. $NewName = $SAMAccountName $extension = “.bat” $FileName = “$SAMAccountName$extension” $ScriptDrive = “\\IPREMOVED\scripts” Write-Output ” BAT CONTENTS” `n`n|FT -AutoSize >>LoginScript.txt Get-ChildItem LoginScript.txt | Rename-Item -NewName $FileName Move-Item -Path “.\$FileName” -Destination $ScriptDrive solved PowerShell Active Directory Login … Read more

[Solved] How to a copy file with versioning with cmd or PowerShell? [closed]

Simple Google search for “copy replace gui powershell” presented this as second option Found at http://blog.backslasher.net/copying-files-in-powershell-using-windows-explorer-ui.html function Copy-ItemUsingExplorer{ param( [string]$source, [string]$destination, [int]$CopyFlags ) $objShell = New-Object -ComObject ‘Shell.Application’ $objFolder = $objShell.NameSpace((gi $destination).FullName) $objFolder.CopyHere((gi $source).FullName,$CopyFlags.ToString(‘{0:x}’)) } Copy-ItemUsingExplorer -source C:\Users\Default\Desktop\End -destination C:\Users\Default\Desktop\Start 6 solved How to a copy file with versioning with cmd or PowerShell? [closed]

[Solved] Why is my ArrayList throwing a “PSCustomObject doesn’t contain a method for ‘foreach'” error when the ArrayList contains

Why is my ArrayList throwing a “PSCustomObject doesn’t contain a method for ‘foreach’” error when the ArrayList contains <= 1 item, & only in PS 5? solved Why is my ArrayList throwing a “PSCustomObject doesn’t contain a method for ‘foreach’” error when the ArrayList contains