[Solved] Cannot POST all form fields [closed]

Based on the paste in http://pastebin.com/0whCYxuE To fix your issue: Add the following as current line 30 echo ‘</form>’; And follow up suggestion is to remove line 28 and just utilize $_SESSION[‘user’] 2 solved Cannot POST all form fields [closed]

[Solved] How to execute POST using CURL

from a basic search i found how to do this: $curl –data “responseCode=jorgesys&publication_id=magaz234rewK&version=1.0″ http://mywebsite.com/appiphone/android/newsstand/psv/curl/posted.asp then i have as a result: { “responseCode”: jorgesys, “publication_id”: magaz234rewK, “version”: 1.0 } solved How to execute POST using CURL

[Solved] Post request in swift with encodable [closed]

This JSON is wrong. You JSON must be valid. In order to make above JSON valid we need to set array with a key. Wrong { [{ “time”: 1, “score”: 20, “status”: true, “answer”: 456 }], challenge_date”: “2019-03-13” } Correct { “array”: [{ “time”: 1, “score”: 20, “status”: true, “answer”: 456 }], “challenge_date”: “2019-03-13” } … Read more

[Solved] POST data to URL using PHP [closed]

cURL is an easy way to send/retrieve data from other URLs. Personally, I find it to be fairly easy to use too — you can see a tutorial here. If you don’t have cURL, there are other options. If you need to forward the user to another URL using POST, then you’re in a bit … Read more

[Solved] String to Array to list [closed]

You just need to replace the spaces with <br>‘s? echo str_replace(‘ ‘, ‘<br />’, $_POST[‘cake_list’]); Of course you should sanitize the POST, but this is a quick example for you. solved String to Array to list [closed]

[Solved] POST array in php not showing all the elements [closed]

max_input_vars integer How many input variables may be accepted (limit is applied to $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE superglobal separately). Use of this directive mitigates the possibility of denial of service attacks which use hash collisions. If there are more input variables than specified by this directive, an E_WARNING is issued, and further input variables are … Read more

[Solved] Python urllib2 or requests post method [duplicate]

This is not the most straight forward post request, if you look in developer tools or firebug you can see the formdata from a successful browser post: All that is pretty straight forward bar the fact you see some : embedded in the keys which may be a bit confusing, simpleSearchSearchForm:commandSimpleFPSearch is the key and … Read more

[Solved] $_POST disappears in IE and FF?

If you write any value in URL it is not $_POST value but $_GET value. If you launch url: http://localhost/index.php?id=2 you should in your php code use: $_GET[‘id’] to determine what’s the value if id in URL 3 solved $_POST disappears in IE and FF?

[Solved] Submitting a search on a website using JAVA

The easiest way to do this requires getting an API key since MyFitnessPal’s API is private. You will want to submit a request to http://www.myfitnesspal.com/api and check ‘Pull from MFP food database’ in the “API Interest: ” section. If you’re approved and get the API key, then you will want to learn about basic HTTP. … Read more