[Solved] pip install pyaudio error cl.exe failed

Prebuilt wheels of PyAudio are currently available for Python 2.7 and 3.4-3.6. If you don’t want to use Python 3.6 and want to install PyAudio in 3.7 you have to compile and install PortAudio and PyAudio from sources. See the instructions at http://portaudio.com/docs/v19-doxydocs/tutorial_start.html https://smaudet.wordpress.com/2014/01/26/building-pyaudio-on-windows-7-x64-using-the-free-msvc-toolchains/ solved pip install pyaudio error cl.exe failed

[Solved] How to fix pycharm Environment error while installing new packages [closed]

no (at least not automagically … ) Install python … install packages … make venv’s using –include_site_packages (pycharm makes this quite easy with their GUI create new venv thing) I think you must have some globally installed python that you can create venvs from pip is the python package manager, this is how you install … Read more

[Solved] Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: 404 Client Error [closed]

You are missing -r command flag, so go again with pip install -r requirements.txt As it was before, pip just tries to get requirements.txt from remote store expecting it to be a package name. See pip help install Usage: pip install [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options]… pip install [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options]… … pip also … Read more

[Solved] Can’t uninstall project with no packages

The steps shown in the question will actually create and install a real package. It won’t create any importable files, but it will create metadata in a site-packages directory. Exactly where it has installed depends on your USER_SITE configuration, which you can check with python3.6 -m site, but it’s probably going to be at ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/example-0.0.0-py3.6.egg-info. … Read more

[Solved] Why cannot install python package by cmd [closed]

You can use pip install directly after adding C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts to the environment PATH variable in windows. Note: The path C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts is where pip.exe is installed or present on your computer based on Pythong version. 1 solved Why cannot install python package by cmd [closed]

[Solved] why python-docx is not found in

Since you did not post your error that you are getting with pip, I can only comment on the conda install problem. python-docx is not available from the default channels, but from conda-forge. So use this to install: conda install -c conda-forge python-docx solved why python-docx is not found in

[Solved] ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement unittest (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for unittest

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement unittest (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for unittest solved ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement unittest (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for unittest

[Solved] __init__.py”, line 92, in raise RuntimeError(“Python 3.5 or later is required”)

You need to tell Visual Studio Code which python interpreter to use. By default, it’s going to use the system python.In your case, it got the Python 3.4.4 version. Open the command palette and select Python: Select Interpreter. Then select the appropriate one from the list: You can also manually set this by adding this … Read more