[Solved] Why my Thread run after Form creation?

unit AniThread; interface uses Classes, Windows, Controls, Graphics; type TAnimationThread = class(TThread) private { private declarations } FWnd: HWND; FPaintRect: TRect; FbkColor, FfgColor: TColor; FInterval: integer; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(paintsurface : TWinControl; {Control to paint on } paintrect : TRect; { area for animation bar } bkColor, barcolor : TColor; { colors … Read more

[Solved] High CPU With Multithreading In C#

Try this instead: private static void aaa() { Console.WriteLine(“123”); } private static void Start2() { try { Program.t = new Thread(delegate() { Program.aaa(); }); Program.t.Start(); while(t.IsAlive) Thread.Sleep(500); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); } catch (Exception value) { Console.WriteLine(value); } } solved High CPU With Multithreading In C#

[Solved] How can I get my threaded program to print specific output

You could do this easily in two ways: Pass a ‘print token’ between the threads using two semaphores: thread 1 prints, signals semaphore A, waits on semaphore B then loops. Thread 2 waits on semaphore A, prints, signals semaphore B and loops. Write in-line, single-threaded code. 1 solved How can I get my threaded program … Read more

[Solved] How can I get my threaded program to print specific output

Introduction Threaded programming is a powerful tool for creating efficient and reliable applications. It allows multiple tasks to be executed simultaneously, which can greatly improve the performance of an application. However, it can be difficult to get the desired output from a threaded program. This article will provide some tips on how to get your … Read more

[Solved] Is Java HashSet add method thread-safe?

No, HashSet is not thread-safe. You can use your own synchronization around it to use it in a thread-safe way: boolean wasAdded; synchronized(hset) { wasAdded = hset.add(thingToAdd); } If you really need lock-free performance, then you can use the keys of a ConcurrentHashMap as a set: boolean wasAdded = chmap.putIfAbsent(thingToAdd,whatever) == null; Keep in mind, … Read more

[Solved] C/C++ code using pthreads to execute sync and async communications

There is no general problem with two threads executing system calls on the same socket. You may encounter some specific issues, though: If you call recvfrom() in both threads (one waiting for the PLC to send a request, and the other waiting for the PLC to respond to a command from the server), you don’t … Read more

[Solved] Suggest data-structure for this use case [closed]

Since you want the thread to wait for an answer, I’d suggest creating a question object that has the question text, can store the answer, and has a CountDownLatch for tracking when the answer is available. public final class Question { private final String question; private String answer; private CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); public … Read more