[Solved] How can I get my threaded program to print specific output

You could do this easily in two ways: Pass a ‘print token’ between the threads using two semaphores: thread 1 prints, signals semaphore A, waits on semaphore B then loops. Thread 2 waits on semaphore A, prints, signals semaphore B and loops. Write in-line, single-threaded code. 1 solved How can I get my threaded program … Read more

[Solved] How can I get my threaded program to print specific output

Introduction Threaded programming is a powerful tool for creating efficient and reliable applications. It allows multiple tasks to be executed simultaneously, which can greatly improve the performance of an application. However, it can be difficult to get the desired output from a threaded program. This article will provide some tips on how to get your … Read more

[Solved] Have Excel VBA wait for PowerQuery data refresh to continue

Public Sub DataRefresh() DisplayAlerts = False For Each objConnection In ThisWorkbook.Connections ‘Get current background-refresh value bBackground = objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery ‘Temporarily disable background-refresh objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = False ‘Refresh this connection objConnection.Refresh ‘Set background-refresh value back to original value objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = bBackground Next Workbooks(“DA List.xlsm”).Model.Refresh DoEvents For i = 1 To 100000 Worksheets(“DA List”).Range(“G1”) = i Next i DoEvents … Read more