[Solved] NodeJS, MongoDB : Pass fetched data and display it on HTML

var questions = [ { number: ‘1’, text: ‘question_1’ }, { number: ‘2’, text: ‘question_2’ }, { number: ‘3’, text: ‘question_3’ }, ]; res.send(result, { questions: questions}); In the code above instead of initializing an empty array, I am assuming that I have a pre defined array of questions. In the res.send() part of the … Read more

[Solved] What is the maximum number of rows you can have in a single table database on the Heroku free plan (MongoDB/PostgreSQL)?

As you can read on the website you linked, a Free PostgreSQL database is limited to 10K (ten thousand) rows. The free “Sandbox” MongoDB option has no document limit, but a size limit of 496 MB. A single MongoDB document can be anywhere between a few bytes and 16MB. 2 solved What is the maximum … Read more

[Solved] Undefined method ‘[]’ for nil:NilClass when trying to write to db in active record [closed]

I figured out the reason for ArgumentError: uncaught throw “Error in record 314675: undefined method ‘[]’ for nil:NilClass’ was primarily from an incomplete set of input variables that is required by the def init method. Because this was an ArgumentError that was thrown from the function1 method, I was only invested in debugging function1. The … Read more

[Solved] MongoDB query condition including SUM

The $redact operator of the aggregation framework is your best option: db.collection.aggregate([ { “$redact”: { “$cond”: { “if”: { “$lt”: [ { “$add”: [ “$b”, “$c” ] }, 5 ] }, “then”: “$$KEEP”, “else”: “$$PRUNE” } }}, { “$project”: { “_id”: 0, “a”: 1 } } ]) The logical condition is made via $lt on … Read more

[Solved] NodeJS MongoDB Connection

you need to install mongoose from npm by this command: npm install –save mongoose then,include following line of code: var mongoose = require( ‘mongoose’ ); var db = mongoose.createConnection(‘mongodb://localhost:27017/dbname’); db.on(‘connected’, function () { logger.info(‘Mongoose connection open to master DB – ‘+ ‘mongodb://localhost:27017/dbname’); }); module.exports = db; 1 solved NodeJS MongoDB Connection

[Solved] How to backup my mongoDB documents?

MongoDump. I used it to export my database to a separate server and it can also be used to take backups, otherwise to safely store data on remote servers look up sharding or replication. Further reading: backup strategies. 0 solved How to backup my mongoDB documents?

[Solved] Mongodb and Express

http://mongoosejs.com/docs/populate.html elaborates with a very nice example. I have extracted the gist here for you { var personSchema = Schema({ _id : Number, name : String, age : Number, stories : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘Story’ }] }); var storySchema = Schema({ _creator : { type: Number, ref: ‘Person’ }, title : String, fans : … Read more

[Solved] How to setup NodeJS server and use NodeJS like a pro [closed]

NodeJS is JS runtime built on Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. NodeJS uses event-driven, non-blocking I/O model – that makes it lightweight and efficient. NodeJS has a package system, called npm – it’s a largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world. Current stable NodeJS version is v4.0.0 – it’s included new version of V8 … Read more

[Solved] #each loop over multiple documents from a collection in a single iteration

Use a helper to define what you want to iterate over — in this case, you could do something like return an array of objects that contain the first and second tasks you want to display: <template name=”whatever”> {{#each getTasksToIterate}} <div> {{> task firstTask}} {{> task secondTask}} </div> {{/each}} Then, in your helpers, define the … Read more

[Solved] Post a image usining binairy and other data

figured it out, set image as binary in model @RequestMapping(value = “/update”, method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = “multipart/form-data”) public ResponseEntity<Payee> update(@RequestPart(“payee”) @Valid Payee payee, @RequestPart(“file”) @Valid MultipartFile image) throws IOException { // routine to update a payee including image if (image != null) payee.setImage(new Binary(BsonBinarySubType.BINARY, image.getBytes())); Payee result = payeeRepository.save(payee); return ResponseEntity.ok().body(result); } solved Post … Read more

[Solved] Time precision issue on comparison in mongodb driver in Go and possibly in other language and other database

Times in BSON are represented as UTC milliseconds since the Unix epoch (spec). Time values in Go have nanosecond precision. To round trip time.Time values through BSON marshalling, use times truncated to milliseconds since the Unix epoch: func truncate(t time.Time) time.Time { return time.Unix(0, t.UnixNano()/1e6*1e6) } … u := user{ Username: “test_bson_username”, Password: “1234”, UserAccessibility: … Read more

[Solved] How does this select in MongoDB [closed]

db.rendaxeducacao.aggregate([ {$math : {idh : 2000} // fiter only where idh=2000 }, {$group: { _id: 1, max_idheducacao : {$max : $idheducacao} // find max } }, {$project:{ // select cidade _id:0, cidade:1 } } ]) rendaxeducacao = collection solved How does this select in MongoDB [closed]

[Solved] In sqlite I would do, But how in mongodb c#

You can get some inspiration for updating a document in the quick-tour documentation provided on the MongoDB site: http://mongodb.github.io/mongo-csharp-driver/2.5/getting_started/quick_tour/ Just look at the Updating Document section. But to save a click you can use the following code as an inspiration: // Setup the connection to the database var client = new MongoClient(“mongodb://localhost”); var database = … Read more