[Solved] Why are lists giving different value?
Look at the index values of the list. alist=[[1],[2]] Here alist[1] is [2], so alist[1][0] is 2. 4%1 is 0. solved Why are lists giving different value?
Look at the index values of the list. alist=[[1],[2]] Here alist[1] is [2], so alist[1][0] is 2. 4%1 is 0. solved Why are lists giving different value?
You need to insert ints in the list instead of strings, just modify: item = input(“Enter a number to add to the list: “) noNumbers.append(item) By: item = int(input(“Enter a number to add to the list: “)) noNumbers.append(item) 7 solved Python list not picking up min and max values correctly
First, it would be impossible to create a map of parentId to each childId if there is a list of children in each node because in general case a parentId key may have multiple childId values and this conflict has to be resolved somehow. So, either a Map<Integer, List<Integer>> where List<Integer> contains ids of all … Read more
Assuming that class CatchesItem has time field defined as LocalDateTime, the check for today’s timestamp may be implemented as follows: import java.time.*; // … LocalDate today = LocalDate.now(); for (CatchesItem item : items) { if (today.equals(item.getTime().toLocalDate())) { item.setAmount(item.getAmount() + 5); // add some value to amount } } items.forEach(System.out::println); Output (for the input data as … Read more
You can use a List to keep a list of classes (or any number of different collections). To do so, you could do something like this: List<releaseitem> myList = new List<releaseitem>() { new releaseitem(“ARTIST”, “TRACK 01”, “2014”), new releaseitem(“ARTIST”, “TRACK 02”, “2016”), new releaseitem(“ARTIST”, “TRACK 03”, “2012”), new releaseitem(“ARTIST”, “TRACK 04”, “2011”) }; foreach (releaseitem … Read more
For this to work, you would have to sort your coins in descending order, or use reversed(coinList) instead of coinList in the first for loop and vice versa in the second if you would like to sort them forwards: total = 250 value = 0 coins = [] coinList = [100, 100, 20, 20, 20, … Read more
Since you are using Arrays.asList to create your list, this list is unmodifiable, you cannot add or delete any element. Arrays.asList: Returns a fixed-size list backed by the specified array. So when you get to the line facts.remove(randomNumber); you get an Exception like the following (just guessing because you have not shared any stacktrace or … Read more
Sure, what you can do is create a method that takes in a list of students, gathers information about the new student from the user, and then adds a new student to the list. It would also need to ensure that if the list passed in was null, then it would initialize the list. I’m … Read more
Here is a crude example, that uses the Newtonsoft.Json nuget package, you can work from and use as inspiration perhaps. It groups by table name and then gets the list for each one. You may want to do it differently I’m not sure. var o = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<root>(json); var groups = o.tabla.GroupBy(t => t.nombretabla); foreach (var … Read more
The error you have comes up in your method of printing out the results: for i in range(len(teams)): print(team[i],team[i+1]) First of all, you have team instead of teams in the print statement, which is actually the string where you were storing user input, and should be ‘-1′ by the time you’re printing scores. You’re getting … Read more
The easiest way is to check how nums looks like after every operation (with print(nums) in scratch or calling it (nums) in terminal). Next time, try it yourself. In A: With the first line (nums[:k] = nums[len(nums)-k:]): nums = [5, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7] – you’ve substituted nums[0:3] (1, 2, 3) with nums[4:7] … Read more
As @Hitobat mentioned in commend – you have list with dictionary inside so you have to use [0] to get this dictionary. Or you have to use for-loop if you have more elements on list data = [{‘_id’: ‘5f563c1bf8eaa9d98eca231f’, ‘allEnabledDs’: None, ‘allEnabledIdSor’: None, ‘correlationFilterEntitySource’: True, ‘created_at’: ‘2020-09-07T13:56:43.469Z’, ‘dsConnectionList’: None, ‘folderToLabelMapping’: None, ‘idConnectionList’: None, ‘identityResolutionScan’: False, … Read more
That is happening because append adds an element to the end of the list. Your list all ready has None in it so any elements you add are going to be put after it, like this [None, …]. Therefore when you get the first element, it gives you None. 3 solved Python – Question about … Read more
You should write inbracket = list(newstrlist); for the assignment, otherwise your lists will be pointers to the same actual element, and modifying newstrlist will modify inbracket. 3 solved Python trying to clear and reuse list [duplicate]
Your code appears Fine. A simple logic modification that you can do is instead of using count++ for every repeated values,just put the integers from Array A to your ArrayList<> and when putting the next integer from Array A just parse through the ArrayList<> to check whether we have the number already present. Then same … Read more