[Solved] Where is sys/msg.h located?
$ locate msg.h …. /usr/include/sys/msg.h /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/msg.h …. 1 solved Where is sys/msg.h located?
$ locate msg.h …. /usr/include/sys/msg.h /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/msg.h …. 1 solved Where is sys/msg.h located?
A string is an array of characters which end with \0. So printf() will not work. To output an array of characters you can use fwrite(). fwrite() has this declaration: size_t fwrite ( const void * ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE * stream ); ptr points to the data you want to output, size*count … Read more
The function you’re looking for is called “read”. You have to pass it a buffer you’ve already allocated previously, however. Something like this ought to work: if (fd) { char buffer[1024]; int n = read(fd, buffer, 1024); /* … */ } after that call, n will contain the number of bytes read from the fd … Read more
You just need one command. sed ‘s/^/CREATE FROM /’ output.txt See also Counting lines or enumerating line numbers so I can loop over them – why is this an anti-pattern? 0 solved Shell command to print the statements with N number of words present in other file [closed]
I am not sure what scanner you are using, but the PHP versions on both of your servers are no longer supported since 2017. It would be prudent to upgrade the PHP version on both of your servers to at least PHP 7.3 Using old versions is insecure and could lead to hacks and data … Read more
You should search for “beginning linux” to get some web sites that will give you the basics of navigating around in Linux, notably on the command line. Then I’d search for “beginning vi” to learn the basics of the vi editor. If you’re using a GUI, then you can simply use their simple GUI text … Read more
Here’s a better instrumented version of your code; it includes the PID in the output, and the outputs are one line each. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; int main() { int ch1 = fork(); int ch2 = fork(); int ch3 = fork(); if (ch1 == 0) // child1 { … Read more
#!/bin/bash for ((;;)); do for i in {1..10}; do ./${i}.sh done done 0 solved Linux run scripts one after other in loop [closed]
The way to do this is by using awk as you already suggested. As you say, you want to print the lines starting from the first occurrence where you have 3 fields, this can easily be done by setting a print flag (let’s call it p)’ awk ‘(NF==3){p=1};p’ file This will print everything starting from … Read more
Please confirm that you enabled port forwarding on both sides. Here shows how to enable port forwarding on GCP To enable it under the OS please run the followed commands as root: # echo 1> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_forward In order the forwarding bit remains active we will have … Read more
Presumably you have some values for regx and presumably you are having some sort of IP list function valid_ip(){ ip=$1 if [[ $ip =~ ^$regx\.$regx\.$regx\.$regx$ ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } 0 solved validating IP in bash, CentOS
You’re the one running gcc (or g++). It’s a compiler, used by developers. End-user systems may not have any version of gcc. It’s glibc and libstdc++ you need to worry about. But in general, Linux does not aim for binary compatibility. Do not expect any binary executable to run properly on any other distribution/major version. … Read more
I think this question is fine now, the input file is good enough after edit, I can fully understand what you ask for now. With awk, you need learn to use 2-d array, it will simplify the code. awk ‘BEGIN{print “Instance id Name Owner Cost.centre”} /TAG/{split($0,a,FS);a[4]=tolower(a[4]);$1=$2=$3=$4=””;b[a[3],a[4]]=$0;c[a[3]]} END{for (i in c) printf “%-18s%-26s%-14s%-20s\n”,i,b[i,”name”],b[i,”owner”],b[i,”cost.center”]}’ file Instance id … Read more
In order to configure the environment for your subsequent ant command, you have to include the “. ./setantenv.sh” inside your second call. Both calls result in independent bash processes that dont share their specific environment. try this: su – USER -s /bin/bash -c ‘cd /PATH/ && . ./setantenv.sh && ant clean all’ 0 solved Linux, BASH … Read more
Once a binary is created from C++ source files, the original source files are not needed in order to run the program. You can distribute only the compiled program. solved How to compile C++ codes in Linux with source files hidden? [closed]