[Solved] Objective – C to Swift : NSData with NSJSONSerialisation

Instead of JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:) you are using NSKeyedUnarchiver, Also use native Data instead of NSData. var json = [AnyHashable:Any]() if let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: “realstories”, ofType: “json”), let data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: filePath)), let dic = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data)) as? [AnyHashable:Any] { json = dic } solved Objective – C to Swift : NSData with … Read more

[Solved] Python JSON union dictionay list

Python dictionaries do not maintain order, so you cannot guarantee the order you entered the data is the same order it will be in when emitted from json.dumps(). If you need an ordered dictionary, check out collections.OrderedDict. 1 solved Python JSON union dictionay list

[Solved] How to create an object C#

You should separate your classes and use the nested classes as property types. namespace WindowsFormsApp { class Car { public Id Id { get; set; } public Tires Tires { get; set; } } public class Id { public string brand { get; set; } public string model { get; set; } public int year … Read more

[Solved] Creating json data with duplicate keys [closed]

PHP comes with a JSON extension. The only thing you will need to figure out is how you have to create the data in PHP. [] in JSON is an array, {} is a dictionary. For the part mentioned you’ll need something like this: $foo = array( array( ‘c’ => array( array(‘v’ => ‘date3’), array(‘v’ … Read more

[Solved] Loop json string in json object

That’s an invalid “object”. It is supposed to be an array with []. If that’s how your server is giving, you have to change the response there. In case, if you can’t do that, you may parse it right in JavaScript. var keyword = ‘{“coconut sugar”, “healthy and natural sweetener”, “low glycemic index sweetener”}’; keyword … Read more

[Solved] Jquery loop through a Json object [duplicate]

jQuery, assuming a correct object DEMO var pizzaNames=[], data = { “pizza” : { “pepperoni lovers”: { “topping”: “pepperoni”, “crust”: “hand tossed” }, “sausage lovers”: { “topping”: “sausage”, “crust”: “hand tossed” } } } // $.each is IE8 compatible, Object.keys is not $.each(data.pizza,function(name,val) { pizzaNames.push(name); }); 3 solved Jquery loop through a Json object [duplicate]

[Solved] Get value of parent object base on value from another object [closed]

You could use filter as follows from the parsed object: let obj = [{ “type”: 1, “key”: “123abc”, “data”: { “access”: “123456”, “data”: { “dataValue”: [{ “@attr”: { “@key”: “Fire” }, “@value”: “Flame” }, { “@attr”: { “@key”: “Water” }, “@value”: “Liquid” }, { “@attr”: { “@key”: “Earth” }, “@value”: “Stone” } ] } } … Read more

[Solved] How to display specific JSON data using Javascript alert? [closed]

You can try the following way: var myJSON = { “status”: “Succeeded”, “recognitionResult”: { “lines”: [ { “boundingBox”: [ 2, 52, 65, 46, 69, 89, 7, 95 ], “text”: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy”, } ] } } var text = myJSON.recognitionResult.lines[0].text; console.log(text) 2 solved How to display specific JSON data using … Read more

[Solved] How to convert Array into JSON [closed]

Why your proposed result is invalid Your proposed result is invalid. It can never exist. Objects (as indicated by curly braces {…}) are essentially dictionaries. They map keys to values. It is therefore invalid to not specify any keys (as you did). The data structure you are seeking for are arrays, which are indicated by … Read more

[Solved] Dynamic JSON field create with java

First off all you need a json libary for Java. So if you’re using this json libary you can do something like: JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put(“lang”, “python”); obj.put(“file”, “class.py”); obj.toString() will return {“file”:”class.py”,”lang”:”python”} solved Dynamic JSON field create with java

[Solved] How can I convert a JSON file to a html page in Ruby on Rails? [closed]

I think this recursive function does a good job at converting the JSON file to a pretty html page. def parse(hash, iteration=0 ) iteration += 1 output = “” hash.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) output += “<div class=”entry” style=”margin-left:#{iteration}em”> <span style=”font-size:#{250 – iteration*20}%”>#{key}: </span><br>” output += parse(value,iteration) output += “</div>” elsif value.is_a?(Array) output += … Read more

[Solved] How to get numbers in a string separated with commas and save each of them in an Array in Javascript [duplicate]

use split & map & parseInt methods. var numbers=”15,14,12,13″; var result=numbers.split(‘,’).map(function(number){ return parseInt(number); }); console.log(‘convert ‘+JSON.stringify(numbers)+” to array:”+JSON.stringify(result)); Use eval method var numbers=”15,14,12,13″; var result=eval(“[“+numbers+”]”); console.log(‘convert ‘+JSON.stringify(numbers)+” to array:”+JSON.stringify(result)); solved How to get numbers in a string separated with commas and save each of them in an Array in Javascript [duplicate]