[Solved] Java Script Logical Operator In IF ELSEIF Statement [closed]

You can modify your script like this. Since you are checking the grade for greater than 80 in the else part, you need not to use && operator. Also your braces were missing. <script> function myFunction() { var grade=document.getElementById(“txtgrade”); if (grade.value >= 90) { document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = “Letter Grade is ‘A'”; } else if (grade.value >= … Read more

[Solved] add a edit button and a delete button [closed]

You should give us your work for more detail, but I think this link will help you https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_07 … phonecatApp.config([‘$routeProvider’, function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider. when(‘/phones’, { templateUrl: ‘partials/phone-list.html’, controller: ‘PhoneListCtrl’ }). when(‘/phones/:phoneId’, { templateUrl: ‘partials/phone-detail.html’, controller: ‘PhoneDetailCtrl’ }). otherwise({ redirectTo: ‘/phones’ }); }]); 1 solved add a edit button and a delete button [closed]

[Solved] How to pass parameter in url? pl. explain with example?

Use sessionStorage to store form status // initial status – FALSE sessionStorage.formStatus=”false”; // use this code on button click event sessionStorage.formStatus=”true”; // check form status and render if (sessionStorage.formStatus === ‘false’) { // render form } if (sessionStorage.formStatus === ‘true’) { // render thank you text } 2 solved How to pass parameter in url? … Read more

[Solved] Jquery replace only specific characters [closed]

$(“[id=’searchjobautotop’]”).keyup(function(e) { var start = this.selectionStart, end = this.selectionEnd; var data = $(this).val(); var dataFull = data.replace(/([~!@$%^&*()+=`{}\[\]\|\\:;'<>,\/? ])+/g, ”); if (e.which != 37 && e.which != 39) $(this).val(dataFull); this.setSelectionRange(start, end); }); This worked for me! solved Jquery replace only specific characters [closed]

[Solved] My javascript codes won’t work?

I changed your code in “LengthConvertercmToinch()” observe here just added one variable function LengthConvertercmToinch() { var inch2Ref,cmtoInchResultRef; var inchTwo,centimetresTwo,inchTwo1; inch2Ref=document.getElementById(“cmToInchValue”); cmtoInchResultRef=document.getElementById(“cmToInchRe”); inchTwo=Number(inch2Ref.value); centimetresTwo=Number(cmtoInchResultRef.value) inchTwo1=inchTwo/2.54 cmtoInchResultRef.innerText=inchTwo1; } I think now your problem has resolved Let me know if your problem is solved 5 solved My javascript codes won’t work?

[Solved] Getting the id and values of a textbox [closed]

$(document).ready(function(){ $(‘input#receive’).click(function(){ $(‘input[type=text]’).each(function() { var input_value = $(this).val(); var input_id = $(this).attr(‘id’); alert(‘Value: ‘ + input_value + ‘, ID: ‘ + input_id); }); }); }); 1 solved Getting the id and values of a textbox [closed]

[Solved] jQuery – Change Image When Tab is Clicked

Here is a way to do what you want using jQuery UI tabs. It uses the “show” event to detect which ui.panel element is being displayed. ​$(‘#tabs’).tabs({ show: function(e,ui){ switch(ui.panel){ case $(‘#tabs-1’)[0]: src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9985911/image1.jpg”; break; case $(‘#tabs-2’)[0]: src=”image2.jpg”; break; default: src=”default.jpg”; } $(‘#myimg’).attr(‘src’,src); } });​​​​​ In the future, I’d recommend adding more specifics to your question, … Read more

[Solved] How to make a button in HTML which decrement a variable?

Your function only changes the value of the Stock variable. It doesn’t change the value of document.getElementById(“myText”).innerHTML which only gets changed when you call myFunction (something you never do). You need to: Actually call myFunction when the document loads Call it again whenever you change the variable. let stock = 10; function myFunction() { document.getElementById(“myText”).innerHTML … Read more

[Solved] Optimize Socket io [closed]

Only being allowed to support 500-600 connections is a very broad issue. You need to distinguish what’s bottlenecking your code and analyze it to see if there’s any way to fix it. This issue may not be socket.io specific and can be caused by some other module in your application. First profile your code and … Read more

[Solved] consider a string which has question marks, numbers , letters [closed]

I leave the refactoring of regex on you, but this is something you can do using String.prototype.match. function checkStr(str) { let match = str.match(/(\d)\?{3}(\d)/); return match && +match[1] + +match[2] === 10; } let out = checkStr(‘bdhfr6???3hfyrt5???eee5’); console.log(out) out = checkStr(‘bdhfr6???4hfyrt5???eee5’); console.log(out) solved consider a string which has question marks, numbers , letters [closed]