[Solved] How to make a slider with that functionality (html, css, js) [closed]

a simple function to do some actions base on input value can be like this : document.getElementById(“myRange”).addEventListener(“change”, function (e) { let value = parseInt(this.value); let resultElm = document.getElementById(“result”); switch (true) { case 0 < value && value <= 20: resultElm.innerHTML = “:|”; break; case 20 < value && value <= 40: resultElm.innerHTML = “:)”; break; … Read more

[Solved] How can I filter an array of objects by data from another array of objects? [closed]

This should work: foodArray.filter(obj => filterArray.every(e => !!obj[e.key].find(unit => unit.id === e.id)), ); General idea: check every object in foodArray. Then check if every element from filterArray is found in the array by key. Take a look at:Array.filterArray.everyArray.find solved How can I filter an array of objects by data from another array of objects? [closed]

[Solved] Javascript: Behavior of {}

This may be of use, excerpt: CatNames.instance = null; // Will contain the one and only instance of the class // This function ensures that I always use the same instance of the object CatNames.getInstance = function() { if (CatNames.instance == null) { CatNames.instance = new CatNames(); } return CatNames.instance; } Note: you should not … Read more

[Solved] Convert Date to number (not timestamp) in javascript

You can achieve this by using the javascript function getTime(). Code: var a = new Date(); alert(a.getTime()); Working Example According to getTime() definition: The getTime() method returns the numeric value corresponding to the time for the specified date according to universal time. More can be found in this link UPDATE: If you want to have … Read more

[Solved] Javascript array of object to tree structure

something along the lines var obj_1 = {id:1, text:”Title 1″, checked: false, unitId:0, line: 0}; var obj_2 = {id:2, text:”Title 1.1″, checked: false, unitId:1, line: 0}; var obj_3 = {id:3, text:”Title 1.2″, checked: false, unitId:1, line: 1}; var obj_4 = {id:4, text:”Title 1.1.1″, checked: false, unitId:0, line: 1}; var obj_5 = {id:5, text:”Title 2″, checked: … Read more

[Solved] how do I cycle through background images by clicking a button?

You should also try this. Here conditions are written before setting CSS, which will check first and then assign the image path. $(document).ready(function() { var i = 0; $(“#n”).click(function() { i++; if (i > 13){ i = 1; }; $(‘body’).css(‘background-image’, ‘url(images/bg/’ + i + ‘.png)’); //if (i === 13){ i = 1; }; }); $(“#p”).click(function() … Read more

[Solved] How do I apply currency or decimal formatting to all the numbers in a string without knowing their specific position in the string beforehand?

If the values over hundred should divided by 100 then this is the answer. var str = “the bouncy 7000 bunny hops 4 you”; console.clear(); var result = str .replace(/\d+/g, num => { num = parseInt(num); return (num > 100 ? num / 100 : num) + “.00”; }); console.log(result); 1 solved How do I … Read more

[Solved] Why do my if/else statement not work?

jQuery has no innerHTML, it has html() instead. A single = is assigment, two == is non-strict comparison, three === is strict comparison. There’s no need for the if/else here at all, just use the proper methods, like html() with a callback $( document ).ready(function(){ var stake_month = 0; var profit_month = 0; var month_games … Read more

[Solved] How to create desktop application using R language? [closed]

http://www.r-bloggers.com/creating-guis-in-r-with-gwidgets/ The gWidgets framework is a way of creating graphical user interfaces in a toolkit independent way. That means that you can choose between tcl/tk, Gtk, Java or Qt underneath the bonnet. There’s also a web-version based upon RApache and ExtJS. About web integration features, take a look at the RApache project for documentation and … Read more

[Solved] How to verify that user has clicked on the verification link sent after contact form 7 submit? [closed]

You must use CFDB7 plugin to save CF7 data here is an example for saving and retrieving data You need create hidden field in CF7 form and insert into it uniqID (You can use plugins for adding a unique field cf7-submission-id create a page on the site (create a template for the page) to which … Read more

[Solved] javascript not working (if else ) [closed]

I assume you are trying to do this: function run() { var image = document.getElementById(‘boy’); if (image.src.match(“emoji\walk”)) { image.src = “https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37643551/emoji\run.png”; } else { image.src = “https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37643551/emoji\walk.png”; } } function m() { var image = document.getElementById(‘moon’); if (image.src.match(“emoji\1.png”)) { image.src = “emoji\2.png”; } else if (image.src.match(“emoji\2.png”)) { image.src = “emoji\3.png”; } else if (image.src.match(“emoji\3.png”)) { … Read more

[Solved] JSON Parse : Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token , JavaScript [closed]

Objects in JSON are represented with {}. Object have key-value pairs. For example: { “foo”: “bar”, “example: “something”, “key”: “value” } Arrays in JSON are represented with []. They are a list of numbers, strings, objects, etc. For instance: [ “foo”, “bar”, “something”, “example” ] You’re problem is that you are using {} for an … Read more

[Solved] Variables from div

Your question lacks a lot of detail. Can there be more than those four names? Can’t you restructure your code to get an easier access to the data? var toParse = document.getElementById(‘names’).innerHTML; var m; var re = /\[(.*)\]/g; while (m = re.exec(toParse)) { console.log(m[1]); } (https://jsfiddle.net/hL4bu5j1/) This code looks for text in [Bracers] and outputs … Read more