[Solved] Load HTML into a DIV using jquery

I think the show hide jq are what you need to use here. Here is a link that I put together. $(“#homeButton”).click(function () { $(“#cuerpo”).show() ; $(“#tablet”).hide() ; }); $(“#procuctsButton”).click(function () { $(“#tablet”).show() ; $(“#cuerpo”).hide() ; }); http://jsfiddle.net/jebr224/GEZth/ You could also try using iframe, you could make the buttons change the src of the frame. … Read more

[Solved] Manually Invoke IIFE

The whole idea of the IIFE is that its an anonymous function that is immediately executed. So by definition, no there is no way to re-execute it. With that said however, you can store the function expression to a global variable, and execute it. For example window.my_iife = (function() { /* stuff */ }); window.my_iife(); … Read more

[Solved] Ajax post returns multiple arrays with objects that have multiple values

Your ajax.php should be like this <?php foreach ($messages as $message) { $from = $message[‘contact_value’]; $text = $message[‘message’]; $date = $message[‘date’]; $num = $user[‘phone_number’]; echo json_encode(array(“from”=>$from, “text”=>$text,”date”=>$date,”num”=>$num)); ?> if you really want the quotes then use ‘ ‘ (singlequotes) instead. And the javascript file. success: function (response) { var success = $.parseJSON(response); $(“.messages-table”).append(“<tr><th>”+success.from+”</th><th>”+success.text+”</th><th>”+success.date+”</th><th>”+success.num+”</th></tr>”); } i … Read more

[Solved] JSONObject how to change value depend on key value? [closed]

As fas as I understand your problem statment, are you looking for something like this? var data = [ { “pages”: “foo1”, “hasil”: “” }, { “pages”: “foo2”, “hasil”: “” }, { “pages”: “foo3”, “hasil”: “” }, { “pages”: “foo4”, “hasil”: “” }, { “pages”: “foo5”, “hasil”: “” }, { “pages”: “foo6”, “hasil”: “” } … Read more

[Solved] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘src’ of null while changing SRC of img [closed]

Looking at your code you do: var names = (“1200voc”) then try to access names as an array. So this: for (x = 0; x < names.length; x++) { var prof = document.getElementById(names[x]); prof.src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48342902/engine/images/proffesion/” + names[x] + ‘.png’; } Means that names[0] will return 1, names[1] will return 2, names[2] will return 0 and so … Read more

[Solved] got blank output in javascript

You are getting a js error, and that’s probably the reason for the blank page. you are trying to call the function ‘b’ on the object ‘person’ which doesn’t exsit. console.log(somebody.person.b().name); ‘b’ always returns null, this line will never work You need something like: var person = { firstName: “John”, lastName : “Doe”, id : … Read more

[Solved] Why is the Touch-Punch plugin not functioning in my website?

So my path to the touch-punch plugin, was incorrect. After finding the correct path to the jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js file in my CPanel, I changed the path in my code and was able to utilize the touch feature. Also make sure that the type of script is defined. For example: adding the type=text/javascript, was also necessary for … Read more

[Solved] How to unset session on close page

Looks like this is too much server intensive. Something like a Long Polling! Also, PHP Sessions get automatically destroyed when the window is closed. But still if you insist, you can use something like attaching an AJAX Call with the event onbeforeunload this way: $(window).on(‘beforeunload’, function(){ $.getScript(“killsession.php”); }); This gets a JavaScript before the window … Read more

[Solved] Why print ‘NaN’ value in javascript? [closed]

Replace , with = it will also work fine! Initialize variable var scores = { val1: 90, val2: 100, val3: 98, val4: 95 } function calcAverage() { var sum = size = 0; for (var key in this) { sum += this[key]; size++; } return sum / size; } console.log(calcAverage.apply(scores)); 5 solved Why print ‘NaN’ … Read more

[Solved] Adding Google Maps to an Html File and Using It With Knockouts [closed]

A really quick google revealed: Google maps and knockoutjs http://chadmullins.com/misc-php/knockout-series-three.php and perhaps most usefully: http://hoonzis.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/knockoutjs-and-google-maps-binding.html. Without further information I can’t be more specific. 2 solved Adding Google Maps to an Html File and Using It With Knockouts [closed]