[Solved] Endless function calls in javascript

I can do this with setImmediate. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/setImmediate setImmediate implementation via window.postMessage or process.nextTick or MessageChannel or script.onreadystatechange https://github.com/YuzuJS/setImmediate/blob/master/setImmediate.js 1 solved Endless function calls in javascript

[Solved] JS: Grading System of a school Any Fix (Error== undefined) [closed]

// Rule 1: Kinda keep it simple // As total marks are going to be 100 so no need for a percentage method const school_grading_system = () => { let student_details = { name_of_student: prompt(“Enter your name:”), roll_number_of_student: Number(prompt(“Enter your Roll No: “)), marks_of_student: Number(prompt(“Enter your marks out of 100: “)) } if (student_details.marks_of_student >= … Read more

[Solved] Background color change from dropdown using javascript

Here is a solution using jQuery $(document).ready(function () { //$(“#background”).css(“background-color”,$.cookie(“defaultColor”)); $(“#background-change”).change(function (event) { var color = $(this).val(); $(“#background”).css(“background-color”,color); //$.cookie(“defaultColor”,color); }); }); The code will change the background based on the selected value in the dropdown list. To set and retrieve cookie using jQuery, you have to use the jQuery Cookie Plugin Use this code to … Read more

[Solved] The meaning of ua and mw in JavaScript

In a MediaWiki context, mw is a global object containing a number of Javascript methods and properties, that other javascript modules can make use of. If, for instance, you are adding Javascript code to MediaWiki:Common.js, you will always be able to access the mw variable. (Read more about MediaWiki JS modules here.) The mw.config in … Read more

[Solved] What is the difference in function between $(“#item”).val(); and document.getElementById(“item”).innerHTML;?

You can’t use val() if the element has no value. It’s equivalent to document.getElementById(“item”).value. document.getElementById(“item”).innerHTML would be equivalent to $(‘#item’).html(). http://api.jquery.com solved What is the difference in function between $(“#item”).val(); and document.getElementById(“item”).innerHTML;?

[Solved] How to properly enable/disable input boxes when a specific checkbox is checked/unchecked? [closed]

Instead of this in your html: onclick=”javascript:Mon_Select()” just do this: onclick=”Mon_Select()” The first one isn’t valid js code (only works in urls), the second one works. EDIT Also, remove your id attributes from your <labels> as sanjeev suggests Hope this helps, cheers 6 solved How to properly enable/disable input boxes when a specific checkbox is … Read more

[Solved] Is it possible to check through a browsers (javascript) if a user being controlled by a rtp

Anti-cheat is tricky, especially on the Web. Because of privacy/security concerns, websites are severely limited on what information they can know about a user’s computer, and there is no way to know for sure if the computer is being remotely controlled. Even if you find a reliable way to detect that using the limited set … Read more

[Solved] check if a value is string in an object javascript

Here’s an approach that might be easier to understand. This code logs an error if one or more properties are not a string: var obj = { “val1”: “test1”, “val2”: 1, “val3”: null }; for (var property in obj) { if (typeof obj[property] !== ‘string’) { console.error(property + ‘ is not a string!’); } } … Read more

[Solved] Convert each array into objects

For each code, you want to map an object. Array.prototype.map is perfect for this kind of treatment. const codes = [‘5′, ’13’, ’16’, ’22’, ’24’]; const mappedObjects = codes.map(code => { return { ‘0’: Number(code), ‘1’: ‘FFFRRR’, tx: 0, ty: 0, tz: 0, rx: 0, ry: 0, rz: 0, }; }); 4 solved Convert each … Read more