[Solved] Java – Unable to access a HashMap within a HashMap

I’m not sure that I really understand your description of what you are doing, but this stands out: this.containers.put(this.currentHashMapKey, tempHashMap); // … tempHashMap.clear(); When you call clear(), you remove all entries from tempHashMap. Since this is the map object that you added as a value in the containers map, you are clearing it there as … Read more

[Solved] On the subject of delimiters

Assuming you’re talking about java.util.Scanner, the default delimiter is whitespace. Therefore, if you enter “14 45 20 16” on the command line and then pressed the enter key, the nextInt or next call on the scanner instance would return 14. If you then call nextInt on scanner again, you get no prompting; that would immediately … Read more

[Solved] understanding syntax of boolean Graphics.drawImage()

The drawImage() methods returns a boolean. Many people don’t realize this, since the return value of drawImage() is often ignored. However, that boolean tells you whether or not the image was drawn successfully. If it was, drawImage() returns true. Otherwise drawImage() returns false. 3 solved understanding syntax of boolean Graphics.drawImage()

[Solved] Java: Creating an object, specified by a variable

In java, you can do this by using Reflection: Reflection is commonly used by programs which require the ability to examine or modify the runtime behavior of applications running in the Java virtual machine. For example: try { addObject(c.newInstance(),x,y); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } For more about reflection, you can read … Read more

[Solved] Power of two failed to pass the test

Are you sure that you are checking power of 2? Rather, being checked divisible with 2. If you are serious, use the piece of cake snippet return n > 0 && ((n & -n) == n); The second way, private static boolean powerOf2(int num) { if(num <= 0){ return false; } while(num > 1) { … Read more

[Solved] Difference between ArrayList and Array of object [duplicate]

The short answer is arrays have a set size you define where as an arraylist has infinite size. You’ll learn a lot about them from the api https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/reflect/Array.html https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/ArrayList.html solved Difference between ArrayList and Array of object [duplicate]

[Solved] How to Set ListView Adapter

try the following Adapter…… public class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter { Context con; ArrayList<your type> mlist; RoomModel sched; public MyAdapter(Context con,ArrayList<your type> mlist ) { this.con=con; this.mlist=mlist; } @Override public int getCount() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return mlist.length; } @Override public Object getItem(int position) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return mlist[position]; } @Override … Read more