[Solved] How to get a road path which can be travelled in 10 minutes from a location

pgr_drivingDistance uses the cost value you provide, and in the units you implicitly specify, meaning that when you add a column <traveling_time> (note that I use seconds in my example) as the time needed to traverse an edge (given the length and speed limit) and select that as cost, the functions result will represent the … Read more

[Solved] Is Displaying 1000+ Feature Footprint Vectors on OpenLayers Map with Good Performance Possible? [closed]

TL/DR: Yes. If not, it’s likely your own fault. But there are a few easy fixes for when an OL application becomes slow/unresponsive. Use the image render mode(previously known as ImageVector) for large vector layers. ol.layer.Vector({ renderMode: ‘image’, … }) Great performance, but point symbols and texts are always rotated with the view and pixels … Read more