[Solved] Can’t get PHP variables in the JS script when setting Highcharts head tag [closed]

Introduction Highcharts is a powerful JavaScript library used to create interactive charts and graphs. It is widely used in web applications to visualize data in an easy-to-understand format. However, when setting Highcharts head tag, it can be difficult to get PHP variables in the JS script. This article will discuss how to solve this issue … Read more

[Solved] Drilldown in Area Charts

Drilldown for an area charts can be done like this: Set the drilldown for each point, and enable trackByArea (we enable this so that we can click in the middle of a series, and still be drilled down): series: [{ name: ‘Series 1’, trackByArea: true, data: [{y: 1, drilldown: ‘drilldownseries’}, {y: 2, drilldown: ‘drilldownseries’}, … … Read more

[Solved] Highcharts has incorrect chart [closed]

I assume that you expect, that tooltip should be displayed in on each point. All series except scatter have to be sorted and only one point for a one x-value. So you can use scatter series with defined lineWidth. series: [{ type:’scatter’, lineWidth:2, data: Data }] http://jsfiddle.net/LtkX2/1/ 3 solved Highcharts has incorrect chart [closed]

[Solved] How to change object structure into array structure for highcharts

If you want to convert your list of dictionaries to a list of lists on the server side you can do it like so: >>> data = [{‘tahun’: ‘2010’, ‘apel’: 100, ‘pisang’: 200, ‘anggur’: 300, ‘nanas’: 400, ‘melon’: 500}, {‘tahun’: ‘2011’, ‘apel’: 145, ‘pisang’: 167, ‘anggur’: 210, ‘nanas’: 110, ‘melon’: 78}] >>> [[x[‘tahun’], x[‘apel’]] for … Read more

[Solved] How to make donut chart clickable

Use chart: { type: ‘pie’ } with innerSize: ‘50%’ to create a donut. Here is an example: Highcharts.chart(‘container’, { chart: { type: ‘pie’ }, title: { text: ‘Click points to go to URL’ }, xAxis: { type: ‘category’ }, plotOptions: { series: { innerSize: ‘50%’, cursor: ‘pointer’, point: { events: { click: function() { location.href=”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/” … Read more

[Solved] Replace string array in a JSON to integer array [closed]

const data = {“chart”: {“type”: “column”},”credits”: {“enabled”: true,”href”: “#”,”position”: {“align”: “right”,”verticalAlign”: “bottom”,”y”: 0},”text”: “www.midasplus.com”},”series”: [{“color”: {“linearGradient”: {“x1″: 1,”x2″: 0,”y1″: 0,”y2″: 1},”stops”: [[0,”#9a1919″],[“0.25″,”#9a1919”],[“0.5″,”#9a7319”],[“0.75″,”#9a1919″],[1,”#9a1919″]]},”data”: [“-1.03″,”-3.01″,”-2.25″,”0.63″,”-1.07″,”1.14″,”-0.38″,”2.03″,”-2.07″,”-3.55″,”-3.99″,”-0.41″],”negativeColor”: {“linearGradient”: {“x1″: -1,”x2″: 0,”y1″: 0,”y2″: -1},”stops”: [[0,”#199A19″],[“0.25″,”#199A19”],[“0.5″,”#00CC00”],[“0.75″,”#199A19″],[1,”#199A19″]]},”showInLegend”: “false”}],”title”: {“text”: “Control Chart”},”xAxis”: {“categories”: [“Q3 2013″,”Q4 2013″,”Q1 2014″,”Q2 2014″,”Q3 2014″,”Q4 2014″,”Q1 2015″,”Q2 2015″,”Q3 2015″,”Q4 2015″,”Q1 2016″,”Q2 2016”]} } const floatArr = data.series[0].data.map(item => { … Read more

[Solved] I want an extra Legend in highcharts column chart

checkboxClick:function(e) { var series = this.chart.series; if(e.checked){ for(i=0; i < series.length; i++) { series[i].show(); } } else{ for(i=0; i < series.length; i++) { series[i].hide(); } } } https://jsfiddle.net/anil_pin2/x5grrsc5/2/ This is what I want.an extra checkbox in my legend area. solved I want an extra Legend in highcharts column chart

[Solved] How can i have color axis in bubble chart using Highchart?

Based on the answer from this topic – stepped-color-shading-in-highcharts-doughnut-chart. Wrapping bubble’s prototype: var bubbleProto = Highcharts.seriesTypes.bubble.prototype; bubbleProto.axisTypes = [‘xAxis’, ‘yAxis’, ‘colorAxis’]; bubbleProto.optionalAxis=”colorAxis”; bubbleProto.colorKey = ‘y’; Highcharts.wrap(bubbleProto, ‘translate’, function(proceed) { proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); Highcharts.seriesTypes.heatmap.prototype.translateColors.call(this); }); Live example and output http://jsfiddle.net/4y3qgdmn/41/ 2 solved How can i have color axis in bubble chart using Highchart?

[Solved] If A and B are selected within same dropdown, how do I disable C?

Here is a quick example…basically in the jQuery function you need to check which options are selected and then execute the disable logic…this is a template: https://jsfiddle.net/6kdthxgr/3/ const list = $(‘#list’); const both = list.find(‘option:last-child’); list.on(‘change’, () => { if (list.find(‘option:selected’).length === 2 && !both.prop(‘selected’)) { both.prop(“disabled”, true); } }); 2 solved If A and … Read more

[Solved] Bind highstock(highcharts) to live data?

Finally I could find the solution. I needed to add xAxis property to my chart. By adding the code below, problem solved. Now it starts from current time. xAxis: { type: ‘datetime’, tickPixelInterval: null, maxZoom: 10 * 1000, min: new Date().getTime() } solved Bind highstock(highcharts) to live data?