[Solved] Is Displaying 1000+ Feature Footprint Vectors on OpenLayers Map with Good Performance Possible? [closed]

TL/DR: Yes.

If not, it’s likely your own fault. But there are a few easy fixes for when an OL application becomes slow/unresponsive.

  1. Use the image render mode(previously known as ImageVector) for large vector layers. ol.layer.Vector({ renderMode: 'image', ... })

Great performance, but point symbols and texts are always rotated with the view and pixels are scaled during zoom animations.

  1. When you have many features, do not create new styles for each of them with a styleFunction. Instantiating objects is expensive in JavaScript. Try to switch to static styles.

  2. If you are only displaying points, use an cluster layer . Showing one quadrupillion points isn’t very helpful anyway

  3. Try the webgl renderer. It is probably faster, but might also look a bit different


if (ol.has.WEBGL) {
  var map2 = new ol.Map({
    renderer: (['webgl', 'canvas']),
} else { 
  // fallback


solved Is Displaying 1000+ Feature Footprint Vectors on OpenLayers Map with Good Performance Possible? [closed]