[Solved] Java realtime writing file when it’s opened

Interesting: Lets deal this in simple way. 1. Save a file test.txt somewhere. 2. Open that file and keep it opened In Java write to this file (Standard Code) FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(“c:/test.txt”))); fw.write(“ABC”) Now go to notepad file again. I normally used Textpad it does refresh automatically (by an alert) because … Read more

[Solved] Why Can’t Read The File(doesn’t display the data)?

If opening iFile fails then the call to read will also fail and the body of the while loop will never execute. You should check the file opens successfully before using it: ifstream iFile(“shippingAddresses.dat”, ios::binary); if (!iFile) { std::cout << “open failed\n”; return; } while (iFile.read((char *)this, sizeof(*this))) { display_adress(); } Note that iFile.close(); is … Read more

[Solved] sed parsing xml file1 index file2

the awk line should work for u: awk ‘FNR==NR{if(NR%2)i=$0;else a[i]=$0;next;}{if($0 in a){print; print a[$0]}else print}’ file2 file1 EDIT here I see no EXTRA lines. see the test. (maybe your example data format is not same as your real data.). however I have shown the way, how to do it. you can change the awk oneliner … Read more

[Solved] Trying to get Rust to load files

The best way to fix this is to rename the manifest file to mod.rs and change the first line in main.rs to: mod lib; and change mod.rs to: pub mod structs { mod entity; } I think the reason for your error is because there’s a manifest.rs file but no folder. Why this causes the … Read more

[Solved] Printing part of a .txt file [closed]

Ok, continuing from the comment, and just as laid out in the comment, the first thing you need to do with any data handling problem is to read all of your data into a form that allows you to work with it as needed. Here you have varying types of data that all make up … Read more

[Solved] make some crc check code, loop for multiple file (c++)

I made several changes to your code. I removed guard headers since we use it only in header files. Old-fasioned memset has been replaced by operation on strings. I suspect that you need to pass char* to CCRC32 object hence sSourceFile is still const char*. I compiled code except parts with CCRC32. #include <iostream> #include … Read more

[Solved] how to export selected dictionary data into a file in python?

First, you start your question with expenses but ends with incomes and the code also has incomes in the parameters so I’ll go with the income. Second, the error says the answer. “expense_types(income_types)” is a list and “expenses(incomes)” is a dictionary. You’re trying to find a list (not hashable) in a dictionary. So to make … Read more

[Solved] Can i porposely corrupt a file through Java programming ? Also is it possible to scramble a file contents ?

A simple RandomAccessFile scrambler would be this: private static final String READ_WRITE = “rw”; private static final Random random = new Random(); public static void scramble(String filePath, int scrambledByteCount) throws IOException{ RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(filePath, READ_WRITE); long fileLength = file.getLength(); for(int count = 0; count < scrambledByteCount; count++) { long nextPosition = random.nextLong(fileLength-1); file.seek(nextPosition); … Read more

[Solved] How to read the entire content of a file character by character?

I would do this like this: std::ifstream infile(“myfile.txt”); char ch; while(infile.get(ch)) { … process ch … } This avoids the problems that appear on the last character, or having to read a character before the first iteration of the loop. solved How to read the entire content of a file character by character?