[Solved] swapping bytes in a file in c++ [closed]

Create two buffers of length 100 bytes each, say A and B. Read 100 bytes from file to A (assuming that the file cursor points to the beginning of the file). Seek to file length n-100. Read 100 bytes from file to B. Again, seek to file length n-100. Write 100 bytes from A to … Read more

[Solved] Reading Multiple lines(different lengths) from file in c

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef int Type; typedef struct vector { size_t size; size_t capacity; Type *array; } Vector; Vector *vec_make(void){ Vector *v = malloc(sizeof(*v)); if(v){ v->size = 0; v->capacity=16; v->array = malloc(v->capacity * sizeof(Type)); } return v; } void vec_free(Vector *v){ free(v->array); free(v); } void vec_add(Vector *v, Type value){ v->array[v->size++] = value; … Read more

[Solved] How to send info from two session variable to a text file if a number has been guessed [closed]

You can create/open a new file then write in it the concatenation of your variables: $scores_file=”scores.txt”; // open the file $handle = fopen($scores_file, ‘w’) or die(‘Cannot open file: ‘.$scores_file); // create 1rst line and a line feed \n $data=”Number of guesses:”.$_SESSION[‘antal_gaet’].”\n”; // concat the 2nd line $data .= ‘Username:’.$_SESSION[‘username’]; // write to the opened file … Read more

[Solved] C- Reading specific strings with quotes from a file

This should do the trick: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int extract_line (char* line, char* buffer, char* ctag) { char line_buffer[255] = {0}; char* tagStart; char* tagEnd; if( strlen(line) < (sizeof(line_buffer)/sizeof(char)) ) { strcpy(line_buffer,line); } else { printf(“Line size is too big.\n”); return 1; } tagStart = strstr(line_buffer,ctag); if(tagStart != NULL) { tagEnd = strstr(tagStart+1,ctag); if(tagEnd … Read more

[Solved] Ruby CSV.readline convert to hash

matches = [] File.readlines(‘data.txt’).each do |line| my_line = line.chomp.split(‘, ‘).map! { |l| l.split(/\s+(?=\d+$)/) }.flatten matches << [[‘player1’, ‘scope_p1’, ‘player2’, ‘score_p2’], my_line].transpose.to_h end p matches Example Here 3 solved Ruby CSV.readline convert to hash

[Solved] Replace a word in files and folders name

To settle the matter of the path I was only served in the string that the path of all this: “/wordthatwasreplacedinthenames/” with “/wordthat usedtoreplacethe old/” in this way has changed all the folders with the old word with the new one more as I put the two slash does not change the last folder that … Read more

[Solved] Launching a file using NodeJS

I would look at the documentation about child process. Here is the link if you would like it: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v9.x/docs/api/child_process.html solved Launching a file using NodeJS

[Solved] Launching a file using NodeJS

Introduction Launching a file using NodeJS is a great way to quickly and easily execute a file from within a NodeJS application. NodeJS provides a number of built-in methods and modules that make it easy to launch a file from within a NodeJS application. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to launch a file … Read more