[Solved] Escaping a dot in c# [closed]

That’s not how enums work. You need something like this: private enum UserAgents { MSIE70, MSIE60, MSIE50 } But then you have to worry about getting the string value out of it, the flags don’t match the string representation either. You could decorate them with DescriptionAttributes but then you still have to do all the … Read more

[Solved] How to save ” in a string in C++?

You will need to escape the quotation mark you require in the string; std::string str(“Q850?51’18.23\””); // ^ escape the quote here The cppreference site has a list of these escape sequences. Alternatively you are use a raw string literal; std::string str = R”(Q850?51’18.23″)”; The second part of the problem is dependent on the format and … Read more

[Solved] Java Quoting string variables

You start by taking the string. ansible-playbook delete.yml –extra-vars “host=5.955.595 user=root pass=anotherpw vm=myVm” Then you escape all special characters. In this case, that’s just the 2 double-quotes. ansible-playbook delete.yml –extra-vars \”host=5.955.595 user=root pass=anotherpw vm=myVm\” Then you surround that with double-quotes, to make it a Java string literal. “ansible-playbook delete.yml –extra-vars \”host=5.955.595 user=root pass=anotherpw vm=myVm\”” Then … Read more