[Solved] Java Quoting string variables

You start by taking the string.

ansible-playbook delete.yml --extra-vars "host=5.955.595 user=root pass=anotherpw vm=myVm"

Then you escape all special characters. In this case, that’s just the 2 double-quotes.

ansible-playbook delete.yml --extra-vars \"host=5.955.595 user=root pass=anotherpw vm=myVm\"

Then you surround that with double-quotes, to make it a Java string literal.

"ansible-playbook delete.yml --extra-vars \"host=5.955.595 user=root pass=anotherpw vm=myVm\""

Then you remove hardcoded values and replace them with string concatenations with the variables having the dynamic values.

"ansible-playbook delete.yml --extra-vars \"host=" + ip + " user=" + usr + " pass=" + pw + " vm=" + vmName + "\""

Then you assign it to a variable.

String p = "ansible-playbook delete.yml --extra-vars \"host=" + ip + " user=" + usr + " pass=" + pw + " vm=" + vmName + "\"";

Then you wrap it over multiple lines, to make it more readable.

String p = "ansible-playbook delete.yml --extra-vars \"host=" + ip +
                                                     " user=" + usr +
                                                     " pass=" + pw +
                                                       " vm=" + vmName + "\"";

See how easy it is, if you just take it one step at a time?


solved Java Quoting string variables