[Solved] Send email using PHPMailer, Mailgun and HTTP api

You should search before posting. GoDaddy blocks outbound SMTP, but they provide a gateway that you can use instead. This blocks many sending scenarios (such as GoDaddy failing SPF checks). MX records have absolutely nothing to do with outbound mail. You can use PHPMailer with HTTP services like MailGun by using it to construct messages … Read more

[Solved] c# how to get mail name (uid) after send [closed]

You can read all of the email file names in the C:\Temp directory like so: – DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@”C:\Temp”); foreach (FileInfo fInfo in dirInfo.GetFiles(“*.eml*”)) { Console.WriteLine(fInfo.Name); } Console.Read(); You could potentially get the the newest created file in that directory which would give you the last email sent, though I’m not exactly sure … Read more

[Solved] Email Regex for Javascript Which not start with Number [closed]

Here is the code which searches for the number at the start. If number is matched it prints message in console. let regex = /^[0-9]/; let object = [{email:’[email protected]’},{email:’[email protected]’}]; for(let i =0;i<object.length;i++){ if(object[i].email.match(regex)){ console.log(‘E-mail ‘,object[i].email,’ is not valid.’) } } This is the used regex: ^[0-9] solved Email Regex for Javascript Which not start with … Read more

[Solved] Email Regex. Is this regex expression appropriate? [duplicate]

What do you think of the above expression for email validation. For one, it doesn’t accept my address. So, there’s obviously a bug in there somewhere. I suggest you read RfC5322 carefully, it describes the valid syntax for addresses quite clearly, although unfortunately it hasn’t yet been updated for IDN. solved Email Regex. Is this … Read more

[Solved] Sending Email from JavaScript with SMTP Server [closed]

You can use this tool: https://www.smtpjs.com/ It allows you to encrypt your SMTP credentials when you call it so you don’t expose them to the client side. Include this script: <script src=”https://smtpjs.com/v2/smtp.js”></script> And then you can call the service like this: Email.send(“[email protected]”, “[email protected]”, “This is a subject”, “this is the body”, “smtp.yourisp.com”, “username”, “password” ); … Read more

[Solved] sending an mail with attachment using php

You’re using “…” instead of quotes “…”. Looks like code copied from a web page that transforms quotes into “fancy quotes” and pasted in a text file. Replace all occurrences of “ and ” with “. 4 solved sending an mail with attachment using php

[Solved] send mail form not sending mail

You need some server side code to send the mail. Just having a form doesn’t do anything for you So to send it on that click: $(‘#sendMessage’).click(function(e) { var $form = $(‘#tellafriend_form’); $.post($form.get(0).action, $form.serialize(), function(data){ //something on success }) $(“#tellfriend”).fadeToggle(‘fast’); }); 9 solved send mail form not sending mail

[Solved] Codeigniter – Using codeigniter email library, how do i send the email to a database list?

There is no native mapping of db table to email, so you have to first select, then retrieve then send $query = $this->db->query(“SELECT emailAddress from table”); //select email addresses $sendTo=array(); foreach ($query->result() as $row) //loop to build array { $sendTo[]=$row->emailAddress; //add to array } $this->email->to($sendTo);//send email Of course I have had to guess you tables … Read more

[Solved] Email not displaying HTML [closed]

This as per your original post https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/36426850/1 Here’s the deal. Your code has a missing > for <h1HELLO WORLD!</h1> so that’ll need to be changed to <h1>HELLO WORLD!</h1>. Edit: Ah, now you edited that in now https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/36426850/2, yet the following still applies. Then the “chain link” broke in $headers = “MIME-Version: 1.0” . “\r\n”; where … Read more

[Solved] PHP send email foreach user

Your code was missing some curly brackets ( {} ): include (“../dbconnect.php”); $sql=”SELECT c.endofmonthform, c.startofmonthform, c.email, c.id, c.formlevel, c.mastersite, c.opmanager, u.userEmail FROM `clients` as c LEFT JOIN `users` as u on c.opmanager = u.userName WHERE endofmonthform=”22/09/2016″”; //TODAYS DATE BACK HERE! $result=mysql_query($sql); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $enddate = $row[‘endofmonthform’]; // End $startdate = $row[‘startofmonthform’]; // Start $email = $row[’email’]; … Read more

[Solved] sending a email confirmation mail using php [closed]

You can do some thing similar to the following: $message = “Please click on this link to verify your email address given <a target=”_blank” href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10990240/{your_url}/confirm_email.php?id={user given email which is encrypted}”>{your_url}/confirm_email.php?id={user given email which is encrypted}</a>”; So when the user clicks the link from the mail it would be redirected to your Php page (confirm_email.php) where … Read more

[Solved] Unable to send E-mail with Attachment

According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6sdktyws.aspx your Attachment constructor is trying to set the ContentType with the second parameter but you’re passing in a filename, are you sure that is correct? You should probably change that part to something like: ContentType contentType = // create suitable type here based on your file format Attachment attachment = new Attachment( … Read more