[Solved] send email by using codeigniter library via server

thanks… i done it with same code… just change the port then its working…. here is code function do_email($msg=NULL, $sub=NULL, $to=NULL, $from=NULL){ $this->load->library(’email’); $config = array(); $config[‘protocol’]=’smtp’; $config[‘smtp_host’]=’localhost’; $config[‘smtp_port’]=’587′; $config[‘charset’]=’utf-8′; $config[‘newline’]=”\r\n”; $config[‘wordwrap’] = TRUE; $config[‘mailtype’] = ‘html’; $this->email->initialize($config); $this->email->from($from, $system_name); $this->email->to($to); $this->email->subject($sub); $this->email->message($msg); $email = $this->email->send(); } solved send email by using codeigniter library via … Read more

[Solved] How to send mail in c# instantly or at least perform it in background [closed]

Task sendEmail = new Task(() => { //create the mail message MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); //set the addresses mail.From = new MailAddress(“[email protected]”); mail.To.Add(“[email protected]”); //set the content mail.Subject = “This is an email”; mail.Body = “this is a sample body”; //send the message SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Port = 465; smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true; smtp.Host … Read more

[Solved] c# how to get mail name (uid) after send [closed]

You can read all of the email file names in the C:\Temp directory like so: – DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@”C:\Temp”); foreach (FileInfo fInfo in dirInfo.GetFiles(“*.eml*”)) { Console.WriteLine(fInfo.Name); } Console.Read(); You could potentially get the the newest created file in that directory which would give you the last email sent, though I’m not exactly sure … Read more

[Solved] Sending Email from JavaScript with SMTP Server [closed]

You can use this tool: https://www.smtpjs.com/ It allows you to encrypt your SMTP credentials when you call it so you don’t expose them to the client side. Include this script: <script src=”https://smtpjs.com/v2/smtp.js”></script> And then you can call the service like this: Email.send(“[email protected]”, “[email protected]”, “This is a subject”, “this is the body”, “smtp.yourisp.com”, “username”, “password” ); … Read more

[Solved] OS X Server with SMTP Relay

Had a similar problem. This helped me – main.cf myhostname = smtp.gmail.com # Use Gmail SMTP relayhost = [smtp.gmail.com]:587 smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = plain smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd smtp_use_tls = yes smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous and sasl_passwd [smtp.gmail.com]:587 [email protected]:pass 1 solved OS X Server with SMTP Relay

[Solved] Ironport rejecting emails [closed]

IronPort utilizes 4 Host Access groups which decide what policy will be applied to a sender based on their reputation on SBRS. WHITELIST: $TRUSTED (My trusted senders have no anti-spam scanning or rate limiting) BLACKLIST: sbrs[-10.0:-3.0] $BLOCKED (Spammers are rejected) SUSPECTLIST: sbrs[-3.0:-1.0] $THROTTLED (Suspicious senders are throttled) UNKNOWNLIST: sbrs[-1.0:10.0] sbrs[none] $ACCEPTED (Reviewed but undecided, continue … Read more

[Solved] Smtp authentification required [duplicate]

You need to tell the SMTP client that you will not be using your windows credentials to access the SMTP, so add smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false; above this line of code smtpClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(“[email protected]”, “password”); Also, gmail doesn’t allow impersonation, so mailMessage.From = new MailAddress(“[email protected]”); will have no effect – the emails will still appear … Read more

[Solved] Java Google App Engine won’t send email via Mailgun SMTP

I’m guessing you are talking about this tutorial to configure the sending of mails through Compute Engine (which explains why it works well on your VM instance). That tutorial is for Compute Engine, in the case of App Engine Standard applications, you have the option of using Mail API, however, since Google is no longer … Read more